This haunting picture is of a dog named Laika. In 1957 she was launched into space by a Russian led team that had no plans for her to ever return. Sadly, she was chosen because of her friendly, and docile demeanor.

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In 1998, Oleg Gazenko, a leading scientist during the Soviet animals-in-space program, told a press conference: “The more time passes, the more I’m sorry about it. We did not learn enough from the mission to justify the death of a dog.”

Laika you deserved better

This years Irish Eurovision song is about her. Look up Laika Party.


Comrade Laika (and the often forgotten Belka and Strelka) was a hero!

I mean, that’s clearly a mock-up not the actual dog

That’s not a picture of Laika, that’s a papier-mâché dog from a museum display. There’s barely anything “haunting” about it.

Wait till you find out what we do to lab mice

rip space dog. i’ll remember you!

Humans are vile beings…

>Sadly, she was chosen because of her friendly, and docile demeanor.

This is why you never should be too good at your job.

Here’s the full comic by nick abadzis… it will make you cry.

This hurts my heart

OP, I just learned about Laika watching “For All Mankind” on Apple TV. Same for you by any chance?

Immortalised in song [](

This picture in fact, is not of a dog

More like Damnthatsdepressing…

I read a book about Laika at my school library a while back. It ended with Laika crashing on a different planet and being found by an alien family, who then adopt her.

I saw her in the guardians of the galaxy movie

😭 RIP Girl. Humans suck.

I hope Laika never died
And that she spins around us still
And that she has a party in the air and always will
I hope that she is dancing every night among the stars
I hope Laika is alive
Laika party in the sky

I remember my father mentioning Laika a couple of times to me as a kid and we both were astounded

Thanks to them. Human technology gets to advance.

Russians send a dog to space before humans to see if the trip is survivable, and you cry about it 70 years later

American woman shot her puppy with a gun because it was bothering her, and you made her secretary of Homeland Security.

Can you see the double standard?

Imagine the suffering as she slowly starved to death. Fuck imperialist state sponsored inhumanity. It never changes.

She didn’t even live as long as they had planned for, due to some overheating issues.

Real dog!!

I assume the capsule eventually burnt up on reentry?

That was a big slap of sad for the morning.

So fuckin sad :((

Humans, say no more!

It makes me sick thinking about how scared she must have been

The remix album “Laika come home” by Gorillaz was named after her.

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