This hotel has a room numbered 419+1 instead of 420

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Everyone steals the 420 sign

The braille also says 419+1 (source: i am blind)

And the no smoking symbol to really drive it home

You have to run and find room 69 is it regular or what???

This is even better than just a regular 420 sign. Where is this? Asking for a friend

On I-75 in Florida, the mile marker is “419.9”

As someone who lives off 69th AVE, I get why.

Colorado had a mile marker 420 sign on I-70 that was constantly being taken. They changed things up and switched it to 419.99. Nope, still got taken.
They just gave up and there’s no sign there anymore.

I think I still own the rights to

Only godaddy can say for sure

Maybe that room is a for a guy named 419 and his date (his plus one).

The hotel should sell 420 signs in the gift shop. I’d even make a funny receipt saying something like this sign was bought at the Blunt City Ramada Inn…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)

I want to steal it more now

I’d just designate this room number as a closet space and skip 420 altogether.

They should have called it 80 in French

There’s a mile marker sign 419.9 on my local highway because they were tired of the 420 sign getting stolen.

As someone who partakes but isn’t down for stealing a sign… this one is way more tempting because it is HILARIOUS

Why are people so afraid of numbers

I know that this is their attempt to skirt the 420 issue and not have the sign stolen or for people to want that room so they can smoke in it but I don’t think they understand that the only thing I want more than a 420 sign is a 419+1 sign that also says no smoking.

surely something closer to “419A” is a bit more legible than “419+1”. maybe patrons dont like the number making it sound like theyre being given a subordinate or divided room?

still interesting though!

now what will the 420-sign putter-upper do for work?!

please people, think about the putter-upper’s children!

So where’s the 68 + 1 ???

I’m still gonna steal it

Can anyone explain? Why is 420 a funny and desirable number?

If its in malaysia here
It would be

some numbers in hebrew are counted like this to avoid letter combinations that may be one of gods names

I’m more likely to steal this one though.

Ooo! Ooo! You said it!

Now I gotta go hit the Bon+g!

I’m fond of edibles, but am also a SF geek.

I’ll steal the sign from room 42 instead.

I’ve stayed at this hotel, except I was in room 68+I’m really tired, babe, I promise I’ll make it up to you.

They got tired of customers either stealing a sign, or smoking weed in the room and then saying “hey man, it was the 420 room, wasn’t it dude?”

Clearly no smoking in 419+1 as well.

This is like when I have to tell my students to “turn to page 68… oh wait a minute – it’s on the next page.”

I’m a middle aged man that never uses the stuff, and I still want to steal that


Toledo #1

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