This image of a cabbage looks like a portal to another reality

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Funny enough the 1966 movie ‘the fantastic voyage’ created a portal scene this exact same way. They dyed/ painted the core and exposed ribs and created a stop motion effect by squeezing the leaves to garner a wave like pattern. It was pivotal in the effects industry. Also everything i just said was made up and is in no way real. 


now I want to finely mandoline a cabbage and use the cross section as frames of an animation.

Portal to the cabbage patch!

Or a path surrounded by trees on either side. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel

A farty reality

Hear me out Guys
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In reality, it is

Dang, does every cabbage have a unique pattern then?

Take my hand.

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i think i saw a cover of The Hobbit look like this

Nature is lit

A gateway to Apocrypha…

I too like contemplating the structure of produce when high as fuck, enjoy your day.

I’d like to Munch on that


Lettuce enter.

My first job in a kitchen when I was 19, I cut into a red cabbage and discovered the beauty of food.

Everything reminds me of her

It’s whispering “step in, mortal. your destiny awaits” and honestly I’d step in.

Lettuce pray

Stay on the cabbage path!

Magical forest

omgg it looks like a mix of van gogh’s starry night and a painting of the countryside

Wow! There must be a way to preserve a slice and frame it as art?

This is your brain on salad.

It reminds me of this album cover
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You say portal to another reality. I say Fog Door

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