This is a bad idea

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Ape together stronk

and then the smart monkeys develop existential despair and just become depressed

Eureka! The hat goes on the head! It’s all so obvious now.

One looks like a 🧠, and the other looks like hanging 🧠.

Getting ethics and science from Hollywood never gets old.

The left picture belongs in r/mildlypenis 😂

gods forbid scientists do ANYTHING

i for one, look forward to our conquest by the ape overlords

We will have human-pets but not humans


Gotta uplift something before the rest of the galactic community finds us.

Is it just me, or does that monkey brain not look like a dick and balls?

“I was born with a dick in my brain”

Ceaser, is that you?

For Caesar…

That’s probably a human embryo. Nobody could tell the difference in a lineup.

Yeah have you learned nothing from Jurassic Park?

Planet of the apes!

Insert obnoxious sounding Oh nooooo….

Are you sure that’s brain

Couldn’t be happy with barreling toward Terminator—had to throw in PoTA?

Didn’t I see this movie?

“there’s a little voice in my head saying ‘this is a bad idea’. but i can barely hear that little voice. there’s an even louder little voice saying…”


Franchise not genre.

This is how Pinky and the Brain is realised.

When the apes learn enough to have AI do the rest for them, were done.

They will have none of the moral quandaries about the use of weapons, just enough understanding of how to use them.

The clock starts now.

and there are even way more films and videogames on how engineering viruses to cure cancer is even worse, but they went and did it anyway

That’s a penis.

We could save time and effort dumbing down the US and just start from the bottom. MAGA together… strong.

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Here come the collected works of Shakespeare…

If the apes don’t rise up skynet will.

I mean, in terms of natural environments, it was a great idea, you can see nature thriving after it all went ape shit.

Could we put human genes into humans to make their brains grow larger?

You maniacs! You grew it up!

Wasn’t there an escape of apes from a scientific lab in America last week or so?

Granted there’s some ethical dilemmas posed here. But y‘all need to stop basing your understanding of scientific breakthroughs on Hollywood.

I for one find these developments long overdue and frankly a much needed breath of fresh air. I shall now retire to the apery with my peers for a game of scrabble.

Those movies are recursive, the smart apes were not caused by humans, they were caused by a temporal paradox.

Planet of the apes is coming sooner than we think.

Have you seen the video of the orangutan driving a golf cart one handed with a smile on his face???

Do it, couldn’t turn out worse than us

I’m ok with this

Great give monkeys that are 5 times stronger then us human intellect. How pissed do you think they will be when they realized how we have treated their species.

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