This is a picture of pedophile Matt Gaetz, still at large

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It’s wild to me how all the conservatives keep going on about “save the children” and talking about how democrats are secret child traffickers and stuff, and making it a whole thing about their personality.

This dude has been suspected for years, and now investigated and basically outed by congress and not a peep. No “lock him up,” no investigations into his connections, nothing. Just letting him fade away out of the public consciousness.

I miss the days when your political career was over if there was even a whiff of you being involved in something like this. 

all that plastic surgery and he’s still ugly af


He is such a creep

At large with that forehead? No fucking way..

If you wanted pedophiles to be prosecuted perhaps it was a poor choice to have voted one in as the president elect…..

Canadian here, we don’t see many photos of Matt Gaetz. I’m curious, is this AI enhanced or does he actually have the smile of a jackass?

Oh, you mean Matt Gaetz, the pedophile.

Look man he is a Republican swamp creature. The corruption of the Republican party will protect him as he is one of their own. He is never going to face justice.

Al Franken should clearly have never resigned, if *this* is the shit republicans not only want to exonerate, but literally make *Attorney General of the United States*, ffs

I don’t understand why suddenly this ethics investigation is super shocking

We were hearing about his drug use, statutory rape, and sex trafficking issues several years ago

Why did nothing come of it the first time it came to light?

Why are the media sites having amnesia and acting like this is brand new information??

Will something actually come of it this time because it’s being talked about more??

How can a person who has committed these kinds of sick crimes continue to serve in office???

To be realistic and save anyone here from legal complications,

Matt Gaetz has been accused. There has been no court case or verdict. These are allegations as of now. And I would legally advise people who claim he did do these things and is a pedo are opening themselves up to defamation per say lawsuits.

That is all. Happy new year and Merry Christmas.

I hate to disrespect Beavis and butthead, but this terd looks like their love child!

Imagine fucking that, even if it is for money…hats off ladies, you had it rough

I feel like I seen him on TV the early ’90s on MTV in a cartoon

What did I miss? He was convicted recently?

How does the man manage to resemble both Beavis *and* Butthead?


He doesn’t just have a punchable face, I have an urge to see him get smacked with a big mallet. It’d be like watching those videos of random shit going into a hydraulic press.

He looks like an ai generated caricature of a corrupt politician

And since even with payment a minor cannot consent, a *rapist*.

His face does. not. look. real.

How can a human have a head shaped like that?!

Fucking freak.

If you see this man, first ensure all underage girls have a safe escape path, then seek shelter yourself.

Obama asked for Dijon mustard and was threatened to be impeached lmao the donald politics are the politics that praise pedophiles and rapists.

Ugly inside and out

The repbulicans who originally voted to keep the report hidden weren’t so obstructive in a secret vote

My my…what a broken party

What an ugly man, inside and out.

He looks like a Warner Bros Animation villain

To be fair, pedophiles have sex with prepubescent children. That’s not the accusation here. While embarrassing for him, calling him a pedo devalues the vitriol we should feel toward actual pedos.

Uggggh! 🤮🤮🤮

Acquired narcotics from a minor. What’s the charge for that?

Why are you using the most flattering photo of him that I’ve ever seen?

Dudes got a massive forehead. Looks dodgy as fuck also.

He looks like the d

He looks like the d

That fucking strange smile needs to wiped off forever because it makes me fucking sick, sick, sick…

He looks like if a headache had a headache.

Probably the next president of the United States the way things are going

Family money Bla bla

So human-like in this photograph.

Kobe would still be alive if someone would have just painted an ‘H’ on that forehead.

I am concerned about Nestor. How is he doing? Is he embarrassed by his foster daddy?

He just looks like a creeper

Check the local high school


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