This is a real image from Fauna’s stream

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Your favorite streamer’s oshi’s favorite streamer.

I think gigi made the entire stream just to show fauna this video. What a friend.

The last thing I expected but the one thing i needed most

Gigi is legitimately the GOAT for pulling this off, absolute cinema.

Only Gigi would be like ‘lower your expectations’ and then deliver peak

A northerlion jumpscare 

So she used her 1 million wish already.

Librarian are you watching this? You can finally rest in peace.

Gigi had the AUDACITY to tell us “temper expectation”, then dropping a Hydrogen Bomb on a coughing baby show.

Gigi just gave Fauna the greatest graduation gift ever I can’t believe that actually happened. I was right there with Fauna and thought it was gonna be Yagoo but then suddenly NL jumpscare

This is further evidence that Gigi is the sleeper hit of justice

*Gigi’s stream, technically

Northern Lion showing up was nowhere on my radar, but it might be one of my new favorite Hololive moments. The slight gasp and her”Is this real?” killed me.

Finally they are in the same room together, I guess this proves they arent the same person after all….

sorry gigi wasn’t familiar with your game, how she pull this off we’ll never know

When your oshi is graduating so you have to hit her with the Costco stare:

The was really sweet of Gigi given how much Fauna likes NL.

I don’t think I’ve legitimately laughed that hard in weeks holy shit

ootl whats with fauna and northernlion

And that’s why Gigi is top husband material

Shoutout to /u/kakyoinmilfhunter69 aka watanabe aka the librarian.

Source: [Coughing baby awards stream](

Holy shit

Official live Fauna reaction


Man, this makes me realize how well GiGi clicked with Fauna. Fr, what a duo no joke. Sad we only get, like, 3 more days, but glad to have seen this duo together.

At that moment, I was completely flabbergasted… how?!

Then, I realized what Gigi had achieved, in practically so little time – the 7days2die collab, the Silent Hill 2 collabs, the League collab, the Minecraft collabs, the baby cough stream, and this ultimate gift coming out of nowhere.

Gigi just debuted this summer, barely had time to know everyone, yet when she heard Fauna was graduating, she stepped up and made her last few weeks much more memorable and warm, even managing to sneak a Northernlion guest appearance.

Up until then, I’ve only seen Gigi as an insane chaotic streamer, with really good chemistry with CC, but now I’m witnessing that she also has a heart of gold and the willpower to make people around her happy, no matter how challenging it is.

This might honestly be a top 10 HoloEN moment 😂

This is one of the wildest timelines we are living in.


Librarian crying tears of joy rn

Gigi really knows how to get someone a gift. Truly the harem protag.

Fauna got to 1 M and a NorthernLion message a week before graduating? This is what I imagine a happy ending to be like

Gigi is so cool it’s unreal

To me, this is Cinema.

Fauna’s Oshi recognized her, I am Pogged out of gourd

Your oshi’s oshi.

The Librarian definitely had a hand in this

Wholesomeness overload. I literally covered my mouth with my hand watching this moment. I’m so glad I watched this live. Thank you Gigi for pulling this off.

Man I love Hololive

Gigi and Fauna have sprouted a beautiful friendship not too long ago, and Gigi goes out of her way to give Fauna a wonderful gift. Like wow, my mind is blown. Gigi is truly amazing, as well as everyone involved.

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