This is America in 2025. Spotted this in New Mexico yesterday.

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thats about what its like around here. go out into the country and its nothing but run down trailers and houses with trump signs in front of them.

And the Meek shall inherit the National Debt.

I was driving in PA and someone with a similar house had a Trump/Vance sign, but it was just an old Trump/Pence sign where the Pe was taped over and Va written on it. Hilarious.

You can’t tell me this isn‘t one of those abandoned houses is Red Dead Redemption 2. Go inside and look for Cigarette trading cards.

That’s really owning those libs!

“Tr*mp is the poor person’s idea of rich”

$789,000, serious buyers only

Turkey voting for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Poor people desperately hoping a billionaire president will save them from themselves.

Hope is a hell of a drug. Much better to listen to lies that someone will save you then actually face your reality.

Not an AI picture, but damn does that fence look like it was an AI’s attempt at a fence

That sign is worth more than the house

Look up the 10 poorest US states – Republican voters, except for New Mexico which has a high poverty rate and high crime rate.

These states have the highest percentages of American households who experienced hunger: Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, South Carolina, West Virginia, Wyoming and Michigan.

New Mexico rural resident here. It’s all too real.

Who’s this ‘Vance’ person?

I thought Trump is vice president to Mr Musk?

Yeah they leave em up in Massachusetts as well. They think they’re part of the team, they should keep them up so when they finally get all the money the immigrants was taking from them they can get two signs

Repubs just banned porn sites and vapes in Kentucky, and now you’re not allowed to own a gun if you partake in medical marijuana.

Land of the free, indeed.

It’s one of those temporarily hindered rich people.

The dumbest people in United States vote trump. It’s proven statistical data.

Guess they are just easily manipulated.

Well, just for the record, it’s not only America. Go anywhere in the world and see people struggling yet supporting politicians and governments that don’t give a shit about those struggling.
People hope for better, and they believe in simple solutions.
Also, when you’re 60 in the rural area and your house is like that because you’re out of any money, and there’s no way for you to become a techy or a doctor, or a lawyer to make some coin, you probably won’t think about minorities’ rights, and how immigrants can contribute to the amount of taxes paid if legalized. All they need is a simple explanation of who’s in charge of them struggling and a quick solution to how to fix that. Because they’re running out of their time.

I see it all the time in NM. It is baffling what these poor people (I am one too) are thinking. He/they =trump/maga have 0 interest in the poor. They go by what he says not what he does and those are two opposites.
I hate to watch them suffer in the next few years but you literally are advertising your foolishness on your own home. Life will go on or not.

If homelessness is a lie (as Musk has said), then poverty must just be laziness. Hopefully Trump will be able to crack down on all those wasteful programs and handouts. /s

Hope is a hell of a drug. Much better to listen to lies that someone will save you then actually face your reality.

Keep America poor, vote Republican

Theres a guy who travel the small towns and backroads of america with his car…i was shocked how much is just ghost towns….he usually talks about how factories was killed.

Its what happens when you move factories to china for more profit margins.
The same people who golfs with trump.

Looks like modded Fallout 4

He also screams how great the stock market is performing

It’s always been like this.

Literally living in a barn and they wonder why they in fact live in a barn.

These people spoke out and voted. These people are also victims of 50+ years of eroded public education funding. They voted. Think about this for a minute.

The effort to erode public education has been wildly successful.

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