This is apparently how it started

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As hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers woke up in the morning in Ukraine…And they were attacked by Ukrainian civilians.That’s proof that teleportation is possible.

Old joke from the Soviet Union:
Pravda reports that a soviet harvester was peacefully working near the Chinese border, when a Maoist warplane attacked it. The harvester evaded the attack successfully shot down the attacker and flew back to base.

This drawing is brilliant. It’s not often that they don’t even need to write anything to get the message through

Ukraine fired free real estate at a poor, unsuspecting Russian rocket launcher? Man, they should have attacked us, we have a housing crisis and would have said thanks :/

Manipulating the history is a tool dictators have used for very long. But I didn’t expect 3 year old history in the age of computers and satellites and a gazillion cameras would be so easily denied by people of power.

Finally, an explanation that makes sense.

It’s time. Europe resist! Na hui Rosiyu!

This reminds me of that Simpsons joke.

‘I’m going to close my eyes and fire my missiles. And if you get hit, it’s YOUR fault’

Don’t forget the maternity hospitals, that’s one of Ukraine’s most potent weapons.

Ukraine clearly started the war by not rolling over to the invading force

Everyone knows that the Ukrainians decided one day to run against some Russian tanks that happened to be on Ukrainian territory.

that got a good chuckle out of me

The orange pedo is going to use this as his evidence.
Great cartoon though, had a good laugh.

Well actually based on the most recent statements it’s more like “Sure, Russia invaded. But the wars Ukraine’s fault because they should have just called Putin to pre-emptively surrender before the invasion even happened “

# Bear Blame 11-28-18

[Russian bear blames Ukraine in Michael Ramirez cartoon – MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ – America’s premiere editorial cartoonist](

In Soviet Russia, car drives you!

Ukraine gave up their nuclear arsenal as a show of good faith back in the 90s, and this is what they get now in return.

They threw Crimea at Russia, and it wasn’t enough, they had to go harder.

Ok, this is how Trump think (at least how I understand this) – there are several countries and people who can do anything they want. Anything. And other countries should obey if it’s possible.

Meaning that the situation he sees is – Russia attacked Ukraine – but that’s fine, because Russia can do anything they want and we can not critisize them, we can only critisize Ukraine for starting to fight back, that’s it.

I think what he actually is saying “Ukraine should’ve never started to oppose Russia and should’ve just agreed to best deal for them possible”

This must be the so called “housing crisis”

Щас орешником хуйну

Apparently, my neighbor’s house provoked Russians somehow.
(She died, sadly. Only empty lot left)

Yep that’s how they start the war, this is brilliant!

I can’t believe Ukraine threw a bunch of buildings at Russia smh


started in 2014

Won’t someone *please* think of the missiles!

The flag on the building is upside down

Joke. Ignore those 8 years of Lugansk and Donetsk bombings.

Z and V are special symbol for russian invading forces – they do not exist as usual marking in russian army. So it`s looks even more ridiculous.

Poor Russia.

Every fight starts with the other party hitting back ,right? Somebody please remove that feckward from the oval office…

This is brilliant, who is the artist?

PMSL that’s actually hilariously accurate 🤣

Trump it’s such a desonest person because he wants Paletine lands he sided with Putin so he don’t opose

This was literally a regular show episode. Russia stole a piece of American land and was going to fly it into their missile.

This is literally a Regular Show episode


That drawing is absolute class. Props to the artist

There is no point of commenting russian diaper

“Sir they hit the second missile launcher.”

don’t you have Telegram !?..
the mercenaries were using the buildings to shoot RPGs at the tanks from above to negate their active protection…

lol reminds me of the meme where Fort Sumter touches the innocent Southern cannonballs.

Only in the dotards head.

8 years of murdering people of Donetsk and Luhansk, coup made by USA, politicide, tortures and biolabs, and eventually an attempt to invade Russia. That’s how it started.

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