This is correct…

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It would actually be nice if he was correct

Two loving, consenting adults becoming parents is surely the least of the US’s problems right now…

It took me a bit to realize that he was saying this as a negative. What a piece of shit.


Gods if only America was in the same place as this picture.

“if there is one I’d like to see it”
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Two happy people, looking at each other with love, tenderly holding babies. OH THE HORROR!!! and they call us snowflakes? Smdh…

Don’t know who this person is, so I Googled him naturally.

*Unfiltered and Unapologetic, Jesse Kelly is the greatest mind of the 21st century now on demand. From history to politics to pizza The Jesse Kelly Show has it all in a no nonsense kind of way.*

Greatest mind of the 21st century? How have I never heard of this dude. Clearly, he is an anti-gay bigot, now I’m questioning his pizza knowledge.

Yes gay men with children are why we are 36 trillion in debt.

Republicans hate couples that are actually in love and family oriented.

Jessey Kelly has always been an utter cunt. Knew him when he lived in AZ and he was a twat back then, too.

WTF is wrong with that??!!!

It is completely mystifying to me that someone would actually have a problem with that picture…

Somewhere between 7-8% of Americans self-identify as gay.

That is…such a small % to say that this particular thing now defines our country.

Thee best part about this, is he could have shown a picture of his own family and said some positive shit. But he chose to be a piece of shit. Just rememeber that. This dude chose to attack people that did absolutely nothing to him.

See the problem with America is the number of fatherless families. OK here is a two father family. No, not like that…

Imagine being so obsessed with someone else’s life

Why the fuck does this bother anyone? If 99.9999% of all straight marriages / families were successful and healthy maybe I’d understand why they have some of that hate but 50% of marriages end in divorce to begin with, on top of that how many are just awful parents. Yeah America became so messed up when gay people could marry and adopt…. It wasn’t drugs flowing over the border, it wasn’t Reagan’s trickle down economics, it wasn’t citizen united or banks becoming “too big to fail”. No it was the fact that two guys could marry and adopt a kid that needs a home.

Should single dads be allowed to raise their children?

I cant think of a single benefit of 1 dad over 2 dads.

Same for single moms and having 2 moms.

This could be, word-for-word, a complimentary post if was coming from someone with a pro-LGBTQ+ background. But this fuckin guy …

lol I wish this picture represented America. Instead it is headed towards a reprehensible past at breakneck speed, convincing anyone who does t have two brain cells to rub together that the backwards direction you are actually headed is where the grass is greener and the hoods are whiter

2 people that love each other that just became new parents???

This really is the best single image to describe our country. Show this picture to someone and you’ll know if you respect them by how they react to it.

The fact that someone can look at two people and their children expressing love for one another so plainly and say “this is what’s wrong with America” is what’s wrong with America.

In my head this *is* who we are. I said in my head, please don’t remind me what the actual shambles out there looks like.

The fact it’s Pete and his family just makes my head happier.

… 2 babies got a loving home with loving parents. What’s the issue? Say it loud.

Why are the GOP so upset at progressives being happy living their own lives that have absolutely no ill effect on their own? Are they really that miserable that they just want to tear other people’s joy down? Life is hard enough as it is, finding happiness without harming others shouldn’t be criticized.

Jesus Christ, imagine being offended or threatened by a picture like this. Two parents welcoming their children into the world. Being a parent is a hell of a whole lot more than biologically bringing children into the world, it’s being there for them and supporting them. Everything this couple will be doing for these children.

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