This is fine ahh lad

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It really do be like that sometimes

Working at a grocery store I was told I don’t smile enough and that loss prevention saw me pushing 5 carts instead of the maximum allowed 4. Like, do whatever the fuck you want, I’ll join

He’d love it. Retail kills you like this

Ass. Fine Ass Lad.

I hope you hugged him. And ate your grape.

Nothing to see here.

Got fired from a back waiter job, because I told a customer that he couldn’t smoke cigarettes on the patio area, but added if it were up to me, you could smoke crack out here…. but ya can’t.

Apparently that is not in line with North Italias “values”.
🙄🫤 Still maintain I didn’t call anyone a cunt though.
Not a complete lunatic. They just needed another nail in my coffin, tip thirsty cunts.

lol, thats such a vibe. like, dude’s either having the worst day or he’s just done with everything.

Sounds like someone’s been peeling back the layers of existential dread.

As the store burns down around him, he solemnly puts up a sign saying

“50% off all fresh produce due to fire damage”

Squidward vibes

Shop clerks are actually the ones who hates their workplace the most

Costumer service will cause that on working aged people

Had an employee at Vons overhear me and my mom discussing how many bananas to buy and I said I wasn’t sure if I would like them and he told me to try one. Had to eat it fast and close to him because I didn’t want people to think I just grabbed one and started munching

why is there a shriek in the title?

The produce guy is clearly done with capitalism and I’m here for it.

You’d find some amazing people in retail , so much resilient! They have to deal with lots of entitled spoiled customers through out day.

Isn’t this the plot of Grapes of Wrath?

Was it a comic store in Pasadena?

Fucking accurate

And that’s how I got fired because of Undercover Boss

Man says that they don’t have depression, and then something like that happens

That’s fine, but if you eat the cherries then spit the seeds on the floor I will kill you.

Got any grapes?

Are grocers okay?

I thought about this tweet so often while working at Walmart.

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