This is getting out of hands …

By Dias75
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Why is this immigrant criminal from South Africa still walking free?

Trump is going to feel the need to publicly humiliate Elon soon. Look at what he did to RFK; he basically forced him to eat shit and smile in front of the entire country. He always has to bring the people around him down when he feels like they’re getting too big an ego. He has to remind them he’s the boss.

“Technically” is an unnecessary qualifier. He’s not even a nominee for a government post.

Oh you mean someone who violates campaign law by post an illegal lottery for votes for a specific candidate 🤔

Elon evidently thinks he’s Trump’s boss.That should go over well.

he says this and yet supports a felon

Self entitled billionaires too.

Imagine the right wing commentary if Soros said this exact thing.

Considering in this scenario Mr MuskCuck the ButtFuck here is most likely referencing the Denver mayor that doesn’t want to go along with forced deportations, “breaking the law” to a billionaire grifter is more in line with “having a moral compass”

this is dystopian as hell. billionaires playing cop now, like wtf

Have they revoked Elon’s citizenship yet for working illegally when he didn’t enroll in school, you know, as his student visa required?

Worst immigrant ever

This is what shit posting looks like. Worlds richest troll.

I’m looking forward to the moment that he comes to my house to arrest me.

I’ll welcome him appropriately to my castle.

What about Trump are they going to arrest him?

In the meantime… many of you elected convicted criminal to be the president.

Soooooo….will the elected president FELON face these charges as well or……?

He’s gonna FAFO.

Has Elon asked Trump to sit in the backseat?

Does it include president?

soooo, why is trump not in jail then?

Why is this man making threats he has no authority to uphold? He can bite me!

Not to mention he was an illegal immigrant for about 6 months until his money and connections got it sorted out. He always forgets to mention that, just saying “It was a gray area”. That being said he also is a known drug user.

Now I assume he is talking about these sanctuary city whackos so in that he is correct, they are violating federal immigration law and harboring, aiding and abetting illegal immigrants which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. I’m all for putting anyone who does so whether it is a politician, law enforcement official family member, friend or stranger in prison. Now for Elon, he was here illegally, his chance at residency or citizenship should have been revoked permanently and he should have been deported. It’s not too late to fix the oversight. Send him away with all those he wants sent away. it’s a win win.

A rich white dude just had 32 felonies erased, plus another 60 felony charges dropped. Fuck off.

Why stop at mayor’s? Let’s go higher; let’s arrest congressmen, cabinet members, or, dare I say, the president himself! And let’s take away the president’s power to unconditionally pardon, as well, to prevent him from meddling with the legal system and due process.

How about you Elon are we drunk with power you bought keep it up politics is a different beast then the office that you buy and try to bully people in politics has consequences and when you start threatening people they tend to push back and not in a good way

This MFer needs to be deported immediately

Someone should send this guy to Russia to get the treatment.

America is living in a cautionary anecdote. Let’s just hope it stays funny for those watching from afar.

just gonna be like germany about a hundred years ago… guess it’ll have to happen again because people who should know better don’t believe it since they weren’t “there”.

Just because your lawyers were able twist the rules to make your illegal cash for votes scheme work doesn’t mean you didn’t commit a crime… it just means our system is too broken to hold you accountable for it.

I hate this rich ass hypocritical monster.

Oligarch through our tax money.

Elon is going to have people frothing at the mouth to hold his head on a pike if he pulls bullshit like this.

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