This is how dictator erdogan regime torturing protesters

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It is very important to mention that these so-called police officers who are beating torturing protestors do not have serial numbers on their uniforms.

i am so glad, we have so many Turks in Austria/Germany that vote for Edogan. /S

Why the f are you living among us if your dicator is what you want? go back to Turkey and live your life there if you cherish Erdogan THAT much. Honestly, the Turks are not doing themselves favors here….

but then again most of the Turks living here are from rural and educationally disadvantaged regions. it shouldnt surprise anyone.

He crossed the line a long time ago, and I fear it won’t get any better, as he knows people will want their revenge if he loses his position and power.

We’ve always known Erdogan was another little crackpot dictator… I’m just glad he showed his true colours before Europe turned to him for assistance against the ever looming threat of the other more Russian sounding little crackpot dictator.

I am so embarassed for Tusk going there like weeks before all this and saying we want Turkey in EU. While Erdogan still in charge 😐

You can type the word “sarachane” on social media to see what is going on right now. So many violent videos are coming in from Turkey.

It is the policemen who do the torturing. Erdogan would be powerless without the police. They are the biggest and guiltiest group of enablers.

Can someone translate the text?

I can’t express my feelings in a way that I won’t end up in jail.

bassza meg az összes diktátor!🤬

I just wanted to note that it was KamilKoç who carried these cops to the frontlines, a company owned by German Flixbus.

The quicker Erdocunt and his police force of pussies see proper justice the better

When you treat your own citizens like this, it means you’ve lost the plot

Despite all of this, protestors and defenders of democracy and the law will fight to the end. There is no giving up. We will fight for freedom.

Text translation : They are torturing students in Sarachane. There is no space in jail so you will stay here like this till morning

I don’t know it feels like we already lost this battle.. We still need to gather more people. The EU leaders need to step in and support Imamoglu in this case.. **fuck erdogan.** Nothing would make me happier than seeing his death seriously

republicans dream for america

It writes there is torture on Sarachane/İstanbul and, cause there is no place on police stations they put the protesters outside.

Don’t travel to Turkey until it’s free from Authoritarianism!

Sorry, what do we see on this picture?


Fuck dictators!

Us here in the US are right there with him. Currently, we have over 1800 people in Chrome Detention Center, which was made to house 500. So it’s standing room only.

It looks like France during the yellow vests or during the demonstrations against pension reform.

Dictator Erdogan showing his true form.

The twenty-first century is the frontier of true technological progress, the frontier of a unified, globally-minded, developing humanity. What’s the point? We still have to serve fucking kings.

“They are torturing the students at Saraçhane, they said there is no room at the police station and you will stay here until the morning”

they ded?

İt’s terrible 😔

Дальше будет только хуже, если сейчас не остановить

are they dead or handcuffed?

They’re also making black propoganda and sending in civil polices to start fights in groups.

They’re acting as if protestors are terorists in media

Hey guys but what about Serbian secret sonic weapon?

Greatest NATO ally.

We, Europe, know how to pick them

Okay, the guy is now at his “second” and last mandate. He has announced he will retire from politics when it expires. What’s the point of all of this?

There goes the 0,00001% for Turkey to enter the E.U.

Thanks to Europe. Why ? Did you see any real criticism about the Erdoğan regime from Europe ? Aloooo ? Europe’s the main trade partner of Turkey – it’s Erdoğan’s and his supporters’real and main income. Like Merkel did to Putin now others are feeding another otocratic dog.

This will not end well like it didn’t in Ukraine mfckers

Is this torture?

Suddenly he is a dictator…last week he was a great leader!!!
Turkey is so fun!!!

Are military and police well paid in Turkey compared to the cost of living? That’s usually an indicator of how much they will obey the authoritarian regime and what it takes for them to turn against it

Dictator aura

Nationalists living in a different country other than their own is a joke. Bro, you love your culture so much, go live there and leave our culture alone.

Interesting how he’s a dictator again now that he’s not useful to bring down Syria anymore.

Now he’s saying some things about Israel in massively popular rallies and suddenly he needs to brought down again. Fascinating 

Police brutality and autocracy just like Germany the US the UK and France recently

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