This is how I make permanent life choices unfortunately.

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It’s perfect, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise ChickenSalad520.

Okay but how did you come up with your Reddit username

That honestly sounds like a randomly generated name by xbox. Bravo.

The best username I’ve seen in a while is “HIV negative”

I don’t know why but that made me laugh

You will shed a tear many years from now when that same chicken salad cost $55.20.

Yeah, i don’t really know why I chose my name.

Must’ve been blacked out drunk

How does inflation affect your screen name?

This makes me miss my homeboy with the name “WorkingBeans” lol

“Do you have any aliases?”

“They call me… Tater salad”


I feel old by looking at the Xbox avatar icon.. reminds me of bejeweled classics.


And then it says Name already taken

I remember you used to be able to sign up with a different email address and get a free month of Xbox live. After a few times I started to use the auto name generator.

You’d get things like intrepidcloud or rambunctioushat. You could put something in to help it, like “fire” and it would come out with things like righteousfire54. I’d go blank because I wanted something completely random without numbers.

One time, after the second batch of generated names I was perusing, it recommended MolestedMidgets. Shocked, I selected it and it was done.

Played a few games of MW2 and the lobbies were laughing. I logged out for a few days and when I logged back in I must’ve been reported because it was prompting me to create a new name.

You Keyser Soze’d yourself.

It’s perfect 🤩

Smoked meat and fishes *triumphant noise*

Was the chicken salad any good?

My usernames are almost exclusively captcha images I’ve been prompted with when making an account at some point in time

I use to make passwords like this

I was Bengaycream once

An old roommate of mine had WoW characters named WasteBin and CopierPaper.

This is how I pick my accounts and passwords as well. At work we need to change passwords often, and i just find an object – put it in a special place at my desk witch is the «password place» and i have de same numbers and symbols before and after on all passwords.
Like cherrylipbalm3344!? Bicpen3344!?

This is how I made my Reddit username…

Chickensalad420 would be much better

That is a better idea then I thought

Too bad it didn’t have a $1.00 reduced for quick sale discount.

this is a wonderful approach!

By the end of the year, it might becomes ChickenSalad680.

How did you pick your password?

Aaaand wall of friend requests?

Good enough for a wrestler-turned-actor, good enough for you

Ladies washroom

You are my hero. I love this.

Ah hell it makes for a stupid/ funny story later.


This is how I name my characters in D&D…

Should set this as your gamer pic

I bet ChickenSalad420 was already taken!

This is straight up that one dude singing words off a coca cola label but for your gamertag

The real question is what you’ll be abbreviated to.

Chicken, salad, chiksal?

Only illiterate children will decide.

My brother used his randomly generated Xbox handle for *years* – he only somewhat recently stopped.

I mean, he used it for everything, well beyond Xbox.

You at least showed some initiative here. You’re not held to the whims of any RANDOM button.

Hey my name is my go to. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten mocked about it in competitive games 🤣 I don’t regret it at all.

I create my online nicks from recent events.

This is as good a way as any. Actually better than a lot I’ve seen. Go gittem’, ChickenSalad520

Let me guess; ChickenSalad519 was taken?

Solid name.

youre paying way too much for chicken salad. who’s your chicken salad guy?

Cousin had a dog named “free bananas” bc his dole bananas had a sticker


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