This Is How You Handle A Broken Vase That Meant The World To You

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That’s like a vase squared if you think about it.

If Kintsugi isn’t an option, I suppose.

Wow think this is a fun idea!

This is kind of heartbreaking but very sweet

Turning the broken vase into a beautiful work of art

In all seriousness, I absolutely love this. Such a unique and beautiful solution. Well done ❤️

Vase 2.0: now with added character and zero spills!

Kintsugi will show you truly love it.

This is such a beautiful way to give something broken a second life. It’s like saying, ‘Yeah, it’s been through some stuff, but it’s still here, and it’s still meaningful. I love this!

Broken yet beautiful from the inside.

Ever notice how handling a broken vase is surprisingly similar to handling a broken heart? Just more glue and less ice cream required.

Now the important thing is that this vase doesn’t break, either.

that’s a VAvaseSE

What an awesome idea!

Great idea!

Perfect! All better

Surprisingly good metaphor for my life, half /s

I did that with a Christmas ornament.


Then you break that one. Then put both in another one. And continue. And then before long you have broken vase Russian dolls.

How I show up to work

By acknowledging that nothing in the world is more important than You. Give yourself the same love and honor you gave to the vase and keep it moving.

I’d rather kintsugi it.

That’s beautiful actually

How is this satisfying asfuck to you? Am i missing something?

Would this now be called and Urn 🤔

Keep it bottled up?

Nah, you send it to a Japanese craftsman and have Kintsugi performed

Can’t tell if this is a drawing or not, but it’s a great piece by Bouke de Vries.

This might be the visual representation of bittersweet.

Lando, that you?!

I believe this is by Bouke de Vries’.  The art is beautiful, but it was intentionally broken.  The title is garbage

Looks pretty invasive to me.

They have something just like this at the Peabody Essex museum


Brilliant idea!


Man if it breaks again though I’m gonna be pissed

Waste of space

So each time you get a bigger vase to put all the previous shards in?

What about the gold thing the Japanese do?


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