this is just evil

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“You cannot write an answer, you aren’t allowed to write answers to questions”

why the fuck not?

I just burned my parents’ wedding photos. How do I explain it’s just a picture and they still have the memories.

How to devalue someone’s creativity in 1 easy step.

I wonder what the point even was for that? It’s not like it was taking up too much space in his room or cluttering up the basement.

Total bitch move.

I have a world that is around 10 years old now. I’d be devastated if I lost it, hence regular backups

How old is this image now? It’s been around a while

This is 100% rage bait

How to give your kid a trauma for life

This is a quora ragebait post it’s not real

As someone who has had hobby construction trashed by parents when I was 10, this is triggering beyond mildly infuriating…

Maybe they could allow them to delete their Facebook or some other “game” of theirs and that might help them to understand how it’s just a game.

This is obviously a troll question. A real person who actually doesn’t understand wouldn’t feel the need to say the world is 5 years old.

r/extremelyinfuriating more like

If it’s “Just a game” why is he deleting it? He obviously it was something his son cared about, so it wasn’t “Just a game”. Sounds like this jackass has had 12 years to practice being a decent father and hasn’t figured it out yet. Even if the son has done something warranting punishment, this is the most uncreative punishment. Dude lacks parenting skills.

Rage bait

the kid thought they can trust her with something they held dear but instead of honoring that trust she broke it

the kid will remember this when she’s old and grey and that child by then would an adult will be more then happy to let her live out what remains of her life in a old folks home

remember people its small things your children will remember
Even if you as the parent don’t think its a big deal

Tho this quora post is ancient it still bothers me that parents like this exist

99% of the questions on quora are “why do my kids think I’m a shit parent just because I’m a shit parent”

And then they ask why their kids ghosted after maturity….

“why don’t my children visit” “technology has ruined our children”

This is also most definitely not real. Quora is full of questions like this that are just meant to trigger people.

imagine you are 60 years old, and someone destroys something that you worked on for 25 years. same devastation.

It’s not just a game, it’s 5 years of progress. I have a world I have been creating for over 14 years now, with multiple backups just in case. This parent is an asshole.

If there’s an issue with behavior or whatever, ground the child- don’t crush his creativity and spirit. He will remember that for the rest of his life.

“My child is crying because I burned up their 5-year canvas painting. How do I tell them it’s just a drawing?”

“Why did my adult kids immediately cut me out of their lives when they turned 18!?”, summed up into a single post.

A game he played on for basically half his life, poor little guy

That should become his future excuse for anything. It’s just a vase, dress, car… etc, Mom.

The correct answer is you can’t explain it to him, you can only let him destroy something you worked on for 5+ years and try and understand his anger

I try to stay far from quora, but I hope they got the responses calling them out that they deserve. Fuck that.

Why the fuck would you delete it? Out what kind of necessity? Holy shit just why?

Imagine a parent being so uninterested in a creative work that their child spent 3 years building.

Some people shouldn’t be parents this is a great example for that.

This kids gonna need therapy

I‘m 30 and would cry

Almost half this kid’s life

That post is old asf and I actually saw it over there and they got R. O. A. S. T. E. D. For that evil deed.

He’s never going to trust you again

One of my older son’s friends did this to my younger son who is autistic. My son (understandably) had a huge meltdown and I felt horrible because I knew how much time he spent on there. I was so pissed off at that little shit hat i fucking kicked him out and never let him step foot in my house ever again. I swear it is sociopathic. He did it to hurt my son. Little bitch of a kid. Hope he has a wonderful life.

I remember when this happened it was all over the news because everyone understood it was devastating

The kid spent nearly half his life on that…

kinda f*cked.

Well my mom threw away things I had carefully collected in a small bag since my childhood. Has been twenty years. Still hurts a lot

This is universal parent behavior. There’s some deep rooted programming that makes them have to throw away whatever a kids most valued possession is then act surprised when they get upset

I’m guessing every parent who had this happen to them as kids felt so enriched by the experience that they just have to pass on tradition.

They probably got some answers at first and quickly found out that anything someone uses five years on is’nt just anything. It’s clearly important to them. What a horrible person. And minecraft. Their kid could be doing so much worse.

Enjoy the retirement home you get put in..

Haha no it’s 5 years of enjoyment and memories. Let’s throw away your memories too, old photos and albums. ITS JUST PAPER

bait used to be believable


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