this is kinda concerning tbh

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Should the clubs be held liable then? Because somebody at the door let an underage girl in?

I’m on the protective side when it comes to minors but if you’re in an 18+ space without meeting that criteria you’re in the wrong

My biggest issue is when people act like men who get tricked into this kind of stuff are treated like pedos.

People really are out here acting like there’s a world of difference in appearance between 17 and 18 year olds. Which is ridiculous when you consider that a large amount of young women intentionally try and make themselves look older.

Hell I remember an article I saw recently about a 19 year old who may get jail time for sleeping with a 17 year old who claimed to be 18. Like how is that fair considering he was tricked?

She’s correct. If you enter a 18+ club you have the absolute protection of assuming everyone is 18

if youre 15 and go into a club and say youre 18 and pass as an 18 year old, agree to sex with an adult who sees you as an 18 year old, obviously it’s your fault

Everyone always jumps to grooming and infantalizing minors who do this shit. I was a teen and remember doing a lot of fucked up shit I got myself into. Creeps suck but there has to be some acknowledgement of their own agency and part in things. Kids do not belong in clubs. Or dating sites/apps lying about their age. Period.

This happened to a famous rapper named Akon. He met a girl at a club that was 21+ and slept with her. Turns out the girl was actually 15 and he was charged with statutory rape. He had no way of knowing she was underage

Friend of mine back in late 90’s.

* We went to College Bar
* Short girl came up to him, he says how old are you?
* She shows ID with 21 years old on it, bartender nods, *’yeah she is a regular, she is tiny but legal’*
* They dance
* He walks her home
* She asks to go to his place
* Next morning she comments she is in High School and is happy to have a college aged boyfriend while only 16
* He flips out and sends her home, tells bartender truth
* She is banned and parents find out

You know what happens next. He was arrested in class, expelled, and is on a registered sex offender list. I get that what he did was wrong but I was there, he wasn’t looking for a 16 year old, he was looking for a college girl in a college bar. He is on the exact same list as pedo’s. Good guy too. Lost a ton of friends and family and his career is forever ruined.

But I get it… she was a dumb 16 year old and made mistakes like a dumb 16 year old, but why she gets a free pass and my buddy is on a Pedo list is just not fair. Girl is not a criminal and did not ask for this but my friend sure as heck didn’t either

Nearly happened to a friend of mine. Met a girl in a club and after drinks and dancing he invited her back to his place. On the way out she said goodbye to another group of girls. When he asked who they were she said, “They’re in my class at school.”. The invitation back to his place was swiftly withdrawn.

Where’s the facepalm she be spitting facts

This….actually makes at least some sense.

1) In an 18+ space you’re generally not guarded thinking there’s a minor there so if you take someone home with you, you might just assume they’re an adult.

2) while you absolutely can tell with some people…with others it’s harder. I grew up where style, makeup etc meant it was really obvious if someone was a teen.
These days I’ve seen 29 year olds who looked 16 and I’ve seen 15 year olds who look 22.

It’s a lot harder.

Well…not for me…I’m 43 and all of those are too young for me so I don’t even have to worry about:)

With all of that said….it is absolutely 100 percent on BOTH parties to be asking the right questions and giving the right answers.

If it’s proven that you met somebody in an 18+ club, you should no longer be on the hook for statutory. I’m not sure how widespread this actually is, but this should be common sense. The age should have already been verified when they entered.

I was running a nightclub when New Zealand changed the drinking age from 20 to 18. When it was 20, you could use a library card or a note from your mum as ID. Of course, I’m joking, but you get the picture.
When it changed to 18, it was super strict. Passport, driver’s license, or official photo ID card. I noticed a group of girls who were there every weekend suddenly stopped coming. I bumped into them a few years later at a restaurant and asked what happened. They all laughed and said they were only 15 at the time. Scary.

This should be common sense but it’s not. I’m sure lots of people would still be mad at the guy, even if he has no way to know.

This happened to a group of us in the 90s. It was a 21 and up club and we were about to leave with some women we met. One of them said something about school, we assumed they meant the local university, and it came out they were seniors in HS.

Seriously, it is not rude or crazy to ask how old someone is.

There is a difference between sleeping with someone under the false pretense that they are over 18 and knowingly and intentionally sleeping with a minor.

I knew a few of those girls in high school, and it always creeped me out when they’d talk about how they got “picked up last firday” all I could think is damn girl, he was probably 40.

What’s concerning? The tweet, or the behavior the tweet talks about?

Because if I enter an 18+ club, I’m assuming that the bouncers have done their job and checked everyone’s ID and that everyone is 18+. The entire point of 18+ clubs is that everyone is assured everyone else is an adult. If a 16yr old is stupid enough to enter an 18+ club and go home with a man, it is not the man’s fault in any way

It’s not wrong though….it shouldn’t be the job of people inside an 18+ area to ID other people inside an 18+ area. That should be the job of the club

I’ve been agefished by a guy on a dating app before when I was in college. He was way younger than he had on his profile and I didn’t find out until later on the date. Nothing happened but I started asking for ID when guys even a couple years older started matching with me.

It’s funny how people think it’s new trend.

Look up groupie culture during the 70s. Aerosmith, kiss, etc. all those bands were busy and actively fucking teens.

I kinda agree. I don’t support older guys going after underage girls, but if a guy is an adult club then it should be safe to assume the other people there are adults as well. If it happens then the club should be liable for not checking everyone’s IDs

I know a guy who was told by his now wife and MIL that his wife was 16 when he was 18 and by the time he was 19 they were expecting their first baby. When her dad found out, after getting out of prison, that he was 19 and his daughter was in fact 15 about to be 16, he tried to press charges against him. The local sheriffs office told the dad that because both mom AND daughter lied to him for a few years and that he wasn’t at fault simply because the mom ALLOWED him to stay over night and sleep in the same bed with her underage daughter.

This isn’t the first instance I’ve heard of this happening here in Texas and the first one I know of took place back in the 90s.

She’s right? Any guy is going to think, well she was ID’d on the way, so she will be over 18. She confirms she’s dtf, and is all dolled up to look 18+. How the hell could the guy know? How is he in the wrong for sleeping with her?

“I get that what he did was wrong…” huh??? Dude literally looked at ID and the bartender confirmed she was of age. What more should he have done?

Yeah. The people that do this type of shit don’t care.

Some girl got denied access into a Dierks Bentley whiskey bar in Denver this year because she attempted to use someone else’s ID. She turned around and fired 5 shots randomly into a crowd.

I was down the street.

Piece of shit.

“This 15 year-old can’t possibly know what they are doing, so cannot consent to sex.”


“This 15 year-old killed two people and must be tried as an adult.”

What a world.

How is this a facepalm? If you’re in an 18+ space it should be reasonable to assume that you’re at east 18 years of age. In cases where an underage person is admitted to an 18+ space & it leads to accusations of statutory rape, it should be the club held liable, not the adult who assumed that the people in an 18+ space are of legal age.

There should also be repercussions for the minor who made a conscious effort to trick people into thinking they are legal then reporting a crime. They should at least be facing some community service & a criminal record to dissuade them from pulling that bullshit again.

No facepalm here

Why is this in facepalm? This is a real issue. Sixteen year old girls will frequent bars and clubs masquerading as adults. They are in the wrong.

What is concerning? The fact 16 year old get into 18+ clubs? Because I kinda agree with the post. Sure minors need to be protected, but its called an 18+ club why would the guy assume different.

It’s a broken system for sure that leans very very heavily in one direction.

I met a girl in a bar when I was 20, thought she was too. Couple months later she told me we bday was coming up and she was only 18, OK I thought that’s cool you will be 19 no biggie. I was in bars when I was 18 too. As we got closer to her bday she finally fessed up and told me she was actually 16. I flipped. No way I would have even touched her if I had known she was under 18 when I met her.

“If a girl tells you she’s 26 and looks 16 – she’s 12. If she tells you she’s 26 and looks 26 – she’s damn near 40.”

– Chris Rock

I mean, she’s not WRONG per se. Kids shouldn’t be doing that.

My friend’s son and three others are in prison because they all fell for the trap of underage girls in the club. The girls are sisters and their mom pressed charges against all of them. No leniency. They are all serving five years each. The girls were not prosecuted. The mom thought she could sue and get money. That’s not how it works.

When I was 19 I made out at a girl at a party/ punk show who claimed she was 19 as well. Before it could go any further we got arrested for underage drinking. Cops told me they were lucky we were only getting tickets for drinking and not for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I told the cop he was making stuff up because we were all over 18 to which he replied “That girl we picked you guys up with is 15”

After we all got released I confronted her, asking why the fuck she lied to me about her age and I shit you not her excuse was “Well I didn’t think you’d like me if you knew how old I was!” Like yeah no duh, I absolutely would not have liked you if I knew you were fifteen. I’m lucky that girl didn’t ruin my damn life

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