This is Lemon, she will not stop eating leaves

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Lemon is never wrong. Ever.

Certified leaf connoisseur 🍂🐶✨ Lemon’s out here living her best autumn life.

My dogs name is Lemon too!
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Absolute postcard perfect picture. All chomp, no thoughts.

Good god Lemon!

Well…stop saying “Lemon…Leave it!”

It’s for the cronch.

Have you offered her a hard chew bone? My 7 year old needs to chew!

She’s adorable!

Please train her to NOT eat leaves. We had a dog that did this. She eventually needed surgery to extract a whole gut full of oak leaves. We didn’t notice the number of things she ate until she was bloated and in horrific pain. The leaves weren’t digested and basically tumbled around in her stomach like laundry in the wash until nothing could pass. She had acorns, rocks and a whole plastic grocery bag in her stomach! We were lucky not to loose her!

The eyebrows 🥹🥹🥹

She probably eats healthier than most humans

Well she convinced me with her eyes 🥰

Get a pumpkin in the foreground and an autumnal wreath hanging in the back- WHA-LA!! Best “Happy Fall to Y’all” card ever!!!

Look at those eyes and brows 😍

Good dogie

She looks so sad.

Sweet baby angel. She can have leaves. Tell her sorry.


I love lemon anything and I completely love this Lemon.

“Good God, Lemon.”

— Jack Donaghy

“If ingested, certain parts of the tree can cause harm to our furry companions. For example, maple leaf ingestion has been known to cause gastrointestinal upset and discomfort in dogs. The leaves contain a substance called gallic acid that can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines when consumed in large amounts.”

“Common breeds that are more susceptible to toxicity include Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, and Golden Retrievers. If you suspect that your dog has consumed any part of a maple tree, there are treatment options available. The severity of the symptoms will depend on how much was ingested and what part of the tree was eaten.”


Her face screams, “Help me, I can’t stop”

I wish life would give me Lemon

Lemon got dramatic eyebrows.


She doesn’t look very proud of herself, she knows she should stop. But those leaves are so dang crunchy!

Gimme the dog 🔫🥷

I can see you saying, “Leave the leaves leaf leave”


Those eyes

Awww her eyebrows

Awwww baby

It’s extra fiber in her diet? Lol

Dogs eat weird stuff. 🤷‍♂️

Look on the bright side: you can send her out to take care of the leaves instead of having to rake them yourself

Needs the fiber.


Lemon would probably get here way anywhere anytime with those big browns.


His eyes are so expressive 😢

Have you tried to tell her to leaf them alone?

The look of an addict that doesn’t mean to do it but can’t help it.

She needs your support in her recovery.

She needs a boop and a ball to fetch

Please make her some leaf shaped dog treats 🙂

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