This is Lynch. Lynch hates having guests over for Christmas

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*“We hates them. We hates them all.”*

Bless his little airplane ears ✈️

Lynch the grinch

Uno concurs. Uno’s response to a house full of Christmas guests is to sit facing the wall and point her arse at us all.
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Perfect candidate for r/angrycatpics

Also: same, Lynch.

My orange cat growls whenever someone comes to our door! My little gaurd cat 😺

Did you file the correct paperwork in triplicate five months in advance to request having guests?

Have some more wine Lynch, loosen up a lil

Lynch got them ears set to airplane mode.

Deep down, who doesn’t Lynch? Merry Christmas, Lynch! Hope Santa is really good to you.

Lynch is against phones at the table, but he agreed to keep his opinions to himself, in the name of Christmas.

Lynch is secretly planning the lynching of all who irritate him. Be afraid of him for he is capable of immense destruction.

They’re just like David Lynch

Me too, Lynch. Me too.


just a private “person”

Same here Lynch

Happy Christmas!

Me too Lynch, me too.

He literally said “>:(“

i can hear the grumbling


you should post this on r/airplaneears

My condolences

Hoping Lynch gets some turkey to appease the *mighty* orange menace

Lynch needs a drink.

Bah humbug!!


Hahahah… well that’s just adorable! Either way, this is funny to me, but the mix-up still being applicable in my mind, will have me giggling all day! 🤭 (Thank you! Happy holidays to you!❤️✨)

Naming your cat the dumbest name possible. Some people are just ignorant.

You named your fucking cat “Lynch”?

I love Lynch.

That, or he hates what you poured into his glass.

Lynch is not a fan of Christmas guests but i can see him like a customer in a bar. Cheers

Today I found out I am a Lynch

Well obviously, you let strangers into his house

I see your pain!!!

And is now currently trying to find something expensive to shred…


That’s hilarious! His face really shows his discontent. My cats hate all guests, but especially males

Omg I love that little face haha! He is free to stay over at mine for a bit, I’m doing a nice, relaxed solo Christmas recovering from surgery.

Major r/airplaneears

So do I, Lynch. So do I.

Lynch is kind of a crazy name lmao. I wouldn’t recommend googling that one

I hope Lynch knows we love him

Would Lynch happen to be a relative of Becky’s by any chance?

Also please tell Lynch that can relate and I love Lynch’s r/airplaneears!

HAIL LYNCH! Bah Humbug!

I doubt that this has anything to do with it, but how many of those glasses can he handle?

The way Lunch is nursing that beer I can see he is upset.

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