This is pure gold

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Looks like those AI Will Smith videos from when AI was just starting out

Very true in this case… I laughed. But the insult itself is hardly rare.

This is the opposite of a rare insult, this is a very popular โ€œuglier version thanโ€ joke structure

Does he have to cuss in his raps to sell records?

More like when Rowan Atkinson and Will had a baby

Thatโ€™s black Tom Hanks

And they both hit people when they canโ€™t handle their emotions

He also slaps like he tried to copy Will Smith from memory.

Honestly, it looks like the other way around.

Won’t Smith

That “drawn for memory” joke is getting old

Someone hit ‘randomize character’ in the celebrity generator


O damn

Will smith from wish


โ€œI have an Emmy the same way Juwan Howard has an NBA championship.โ€

โ€” Hannibal Buress

Iโ€™m dying

What an odd thing to say in a reality where Robert Horry exists

The previous drawing attempts were despicting Will Smith’s family being in a healthy relationship. However, the drawings can’t be found.

Woll Smoth

Isnโ€™t he also one of the main reasons the nba instituted a salary cap

He looks like Will Smith and Tom Hanks had a child.

I have a theory that everyone who has a goatee is a piece of shit.

That’s Tom Hanks playing Will Smith.

Wonโ€™t Smith

Yโ€™all look the same type postโ€ฆ

To be fair, will smith looks like someone tried to draw will Smith from memory

How is this even remotely an insult?

Looks like when Will Smith’s face swelled up in hitch

Will Smith when he has an allergic reaction in Hitch.

That’s an upgrade to the Fresh Prince.

Memes aside, Juwan Howard was a solid basketball player when he was in the NBA.

Looks like jade was asked to draw him from memory. Sorry, I will keep his wifeโ€™s name out of my mouth.

LMAO, this is a masterclass in roasting. Who needs weapons when youโ€™ve got comebacks like this? ๐Ÿ’€

This insult is so good it hurts. Who else is saving this for later? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ“‚

Looks like my character building in fantasy games. Head size -50% Body type:+200%+ Very Muscular

*looks in mirror after swigging benadryl*


no it looks like when will smith are shellfish in Hitch

I have a theory that everyone who has a goatee is a piece of shit.

Does it slap?

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