this is really how it is

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I believe YouTube should be recategorised as a Streaming Service. The Social media aspect of it has almost completely disappeared.

Out of all those I have Reddit and YouTube

I use antisocial media

The fact that I don’t recognise three of those, makes me kind of proud.

How is YouTube a social network, it’s more a steaming platform

YouTube isn’t a social media site.

Tumblr is still a thing?

How are you counting pinterest?

How listening to a song can be a social media thing? Get your info right

Ehh I ain’t counting YouTube as social media that’s more streaming.

how is youtube social media lmao

Yeah but that doesn’t mean I’m social when using the media;)

What’s the one with the butterfly?

I deleted all my socials (just instagram) mfs be like

I mostly use youtube, having quit discord, and checking reddit from time to time because it works like the old Googlea+ that I liked when I was young. How is pinterest social media though, I use it rarely and only to look for pictures, and not even of real people like Instagram


Bluesky sneak

Jokes on you, I only use two of those, and I would argue that one is technically not social media, but a streaming site.
I don’t know what the butterfly is tho, if someone could tell me I’d appreciate it.

Pinterest is an imageboard for inspiration, the social aspect (comments for what I know) is barely used, and YouTube is a streaming service more than anything now

If you use social media for not social stuff, is it still social media?

If I don’t use my real name and don’t communicate with people I directly know I think it counts but differently

Pinterest is a social media?

It’s fake no one uses Tumblr

I only use IG but I muted everyone and don’t use it for scrolling. If I want to post something, I just post my post then go. I have Reddit but idk anyone here. Youtube is just for watching videos, no socialising there. I don’t comment or like or anything. Tbh my mental health is better when I use social media in a smart way rather than doom scrolling like I used to

I’m getting old I don’t know what half of those even are.

I only use reddit, WhatsApp and YouTube

Apart from YouTube not being social media despite their hopes of turning it into dikdok, I’m on Reddit, that’s it

I only use two of these (Reddit and YouTube) and I contribute to neither regularly. I do not have a Twitter, Facebook, or bluesky account. How am I doing?

Also does Pinterest even count? I thought that was just wallpapers and ads for clothes

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