this is so dramatic ๐Ÿ˜‚

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They’re trying to make it a walk of shame. It’s turning into a walk of fame.

This disgusting display of overspending by the police only makes him more of a hero to the American people. They are just proving his damn point hard.

Theyโ€™re terrified more people are going to do what he did.

Would be something if we guarded school kids the way we guard ceos.

It’s amazing how much government resources are used to find a killer of a “rich” man versus the resources spent on a middle or poor class citizen. How many current deaths in New York are getting this much attention?

Not even Epstein who had massive amounts of wealth and endangered children got this kinda treatment.

The people think heโ€™s a hero, the only would be assassins would be a CEO.

No one wants to hurt that guy lol

Is that Jesus Christ being led through the streets?

Bit overkill isnโ€™t itโ€ฆ?

This photo is going to be in future history books. Hopefully as the beginning of a new era.

Why? Why waste all that money on this much security. Itโ€™s dumb.

This may be a bit overboard, he doesn’t need all those bodyguards. Its not like Luigi was a psychopathic insurance CEO that orchestrated the deaths and suffering of millions.

So they’re so concerned about security that they have cops, joint task force, and a swat team, but they couldn’t bring him in using a secure van? It’s a totally performative photo op. And their audience isn’t the taxpayers. It’s the millionaires.

Justice theatre. He only (allegedly) shot one dude, but because it was a rich dude and not some gangster from Compton they had to make a show.

it’s like making a martyr of him, its making him look invincible and humble at the same time.

This makes him look more like an anti-hero than if they just had a cop in blue or two walk him in. What’s next? A suspended transparent cell?

I wonder if they thought a mob might have tried to liberate him?

This amount of security is not needed. Nobody will try to kill him because if they did there would definitely be a class war & the rich don’t want that.

Billionaires look at this kid and see Hannibal Lecter. Surprising he doesn’t get the face biting mask and hand truck treatment.

dramatic ? its fucking pathetic….

Watching my money walk around like this guy is an actual threat to civilians

The people surrounding him could not be more idiotic. Everything they do to portray him as a monster only makes people support him more. This picture is already iconic. I am hearing more support for Luigi than I ever have after this picture came out. I think the US is finally starting to wake up. I hope.

All fascist goons throw on your mean mug & sunglasses. Its time for a circus at the taxpayers expense.

Mayor Eric Adams, a near felon in his own right, walked right there with them.

He looks…holy, for lack of a better word.

Itโ€™s funny that I havenโ€™t heard half as much on the Wisconsin school shooter, as Iโ€™ve heard on this.

A modern-day warrior

Mean, mean stride

Todayโ€™s Tom Sawyer

Mean, mean pride

Interesting photo staging

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