This is so fucked honestly…

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Wait the guy who did a Muslim ban his first term isn’t going to help Muslims? OMG I am so surprised

*I’m so passionate about this one particular issue, but not passionate enough to do even a cursory level of research before voting.*

Yes, Trump be worse than Biden when it comes to Palestine, and everything else too

And so very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very predictable.

Is this a side by side or did someone make this and repost it on Twitter?

I really hope it’s the latter and the person was ragged.

Love Palestine, hate Palestine, love Israel, hate Israel, whatever. But even if there was no war, even if there was no Israel, how fucking stupid do you have to be to think Donald Trump is going to be good for Palestinians?

Sane People have been warning everyone and their mothers since 2023.

Not our fault they were covering their ears and yelling out: I CAN’T HEAR YOU!! LA! LA! LA!

If anything, all of this just proves what we all knew deep down: You can’t reason with Stupid.

A big FUCK YOU to jonnyutd from the cries of children of gaza!!

Little did he know, he was the one giving Palestinian children a “BIG FUCK YOU” the entire time.

Yes it’s quite fucked. Who fucked it, Johnny?

Dumbasses are gonna dumbass.

Think beyond your feelings, folks.

Who could have seen this coming, besides anyone that was paying attention?

we had vicious voters, and we had idiot voters. But I don’t think that we have ever been cursed with having vicious idiots as voters.

No seriously, Brexit and the USA are almost the epitome of wishful thinking and “sticking it to somebody” of voting.

Almost every other country that votes authoritarism in a free and fair election, there is a genuine reason for them to do so, even if it is selfish or short-sighted. It at the very least purports to forward the interests of some.

But for the USA its just as simple as “I want to stick it to someone”.

If only someone had told them. /s

The schadenfreude that is going to occur over the next 4 years will reach an all time high water mark. Can’t wait to see the “union pipe fitters for trump” douche down my street lose his pension and 401k.

Xitter needs to be burned to the ground.

It’s such a weird stance to think the Repubs would be on the side of Gaza. THE REPUBS. The Christian Nationals are going to take the side of the people they’ve incited numerous wars with for the past 30 or so years. Trump literally banned Muslims from coming into the country for that short while. Why the FUCK would anyone ever think these people would side with Muslims? You’d think after four decades of wars, trying to ban them, and basically making them into the villains (a la how Jews were villainized in the past) that they’d realize these people don’t care about them.

Truly, these people were like “yup, Trump has a dick, clearly he’s better in every way than any woman could ever be” and now they’re all angry the patriarchy isn’t siding with them. LOL. How betrayed they must all be.

Honestly, I’m at the point where I’m like “fuck ’em.” All of the repub voters deserve what’s coming. They’ve been a fucking anchor around our necks since the civil war and we’ve always bailed their dumb asses out. The only way they’ll learn is them wading through the shit of their terrible decisions.

Talk about FAFO.🤣

George Carlin voice Jeeeesus FUCKING Christ.

People like that do not care about Palestinian children; they never have. They are contrarians by nature and like to pontificate.

Ukraine too. Hooray!

Notice how all the Gaza outrage has diminished dramatically. Dumb fucks.

did they not think to check his stance on the genocide

It’s like they are the same people who “did their own research” during Covid and think they know better than the CDC guidance because they read some Facebook of Tik Tok post.

Kamala talks so smart, I don’t understand and get scared

“A big fuck you to the children of Gaza, from Jonny Utd.”

And this is why I don’t give a wet shit what you think Harris did wrong in her campaign. Laying out her policies differently wouldn’t have done anything, as the vote was not decided on policy. Being nicer to maga wouldn’t have done anything, as they already picked their master. She laid out a wonderful economic plan, a 2 state solution for Israel and a much better energy policy, none of it mattered. The fact that daily we see maga voters surprised to see trump doing exactly what he said he would is evidence that this was never about any of that. It was orange demagogue vs black woman, and in the US, demagogue wins.

Harris may have lost the vote, but we lost the election.

I’m surprised that anyone still hasn’t figured this out yet. Jeezus people are dumb.

A big fuck you to Palestinian children from President Trump and his new casino built on their ashes.

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