This is so true, unfortunately

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The degree of surveillance that has been revealed in this case alone is staggering.

He’s not **worth** $50 million, he’s **hoarded** $50 million

Of course. How is their rape kit backlog coming along?

My dad’s murder in Queens is still unsolved. It happened in 1990. Mom stopped calling after a couple of years because the boys were getting irritated with her. He was only a construction worker, so whaetevs right?!

What fucking resources? Somebody turned him in.

They only found him because of one image where he showed his face and some old rat turning him in because they didnโ€™t get a free coffee refill fast enough. The NYPD stumbled into catching him.

They only charged him with gun charges, not the murder itself. He is not the killer?

There was an army of cops searching Central Park for the tiniest clue. The city put serious effort into this.

A 17-year-old migrant boy was stabbed to death. His friend was stabbed but survived. He was stabbed because a group of men came out and asked them if they could speak English, to which the boy said “no.” This was 4 days ago. Has the NYPD put in anything even remotely close to the same level of power into solving this kid’s murder? Absolutely fucking not.

The NYPD didn’t do anything, it was the media showing his picture on every powered on screen in the country that caught him.

I mean it’s true. Some John Doe nobody civilian gets blasted with a gun on CCTV and the cops shrug their shoulders and say they are looking into it. One of their own, or the rich get blasted? *Gestures to this situation* it jsut reinforces the feelings many have about actual class war.

But also like bro maybe give it a minute before hoppin into the local McDonaldโ€™s.

the whole world is against the middle to lower class. Everyday something new further proves this point.

It’ll be a real shame when this guy commits suicide with the cameras off when he’s all alone and they find the body covered in bruises with a suicide bullet to the back of the head.

Whereโ€™s that pyramid picture than shows police protecting the wealthy because thatโ€™s exactly what this moment signifies

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Jury nullification

Apparently if CEOs deny paying for life-saving treatments and as a result people die (x hundres of thousands of people, who by the way weren’t asking for Charity, they were due and entitled to payments becasue they paid into the insurane), **then these are still victimless crimes according to our laws.**

When Wall Street or some politician makes decisions that cost lives, **they are also victimless crimes.** Remember when reckless lending so banks can get exorbitant profits caused the 2000, and 2008 meltdowns? **Victimless crimes.** When corporations dump toxic waste into our waterways and people get all kinds of cancers, again, **victimless crimes**

If the crimes are convoluted enough, and if the are sanitized enough, **they are no crimes! Imagine that!**

Lastly, iff you are poor or working class, be sure to follow all of the laws, because you don’t have the kind of money to run circles around the justice system, or run for office and avoid all reprecussions and make it all go away.

NYPD didnโ€™t catch anyone. A random person in a McDonaldโ€™s turned him in.

So they spent what they spent for nothing.

Even better.

Coincidence? I think not๐Ÿคจ.

It probably helps to have far reaching friends in the FBI, databases and intelligence galore. But only big wigs are worth the bigwigs.

Kid is Robin Hood!

The cops didn’t catch him with detective work, someone ratted him out.

Itโ€™s the notoriety surrounding the case and the media spotlight. Not finding the killer would make all of them look like fools. The escaped killer of a homeless person does not draw nearly as much attention to the ineptitude of NYPD/FBI.

All of social media is invested in the case. Similar to Gabby Petito who went missing and sparked a widespread manhunt with tons of media coverage, but there are tons of missing people every day without the same resources being allocated. Certain cases draw the macabre attention of the masses, and then they feel added pressure to solve it. Iโ€™m not saying itโ€™s right, just saying thatโ€™s how it is.

I thought McDonald’s solved the case?

Really itโ€™s not about the police work and more about how much the murder and his picture was broadcast by the media and social media. Someone from a random Pennsylvania McDonaldโ€™s recognized him and called the police.

Man, this is so true. Tell me thereโ€™s not a two tiered system. I was amazed at all the resources marshalled to find this guy. And some media keeps referring to the C-Suite executiveโ€™s death as an assassination. I thought that was only for dignitaries and leaders of state.

This. If the victim had been a gas station clerk, they’d have put it on the back burner to prioritize richer people.

This is all ALLEGED just sayin. Innocent until proven guilty. And even after that, NOT GUILTY.

“This just in, NYPD still does pin up jobs when they’re made to look bad”

They proved they can go where the customer (snitch) told them where they saw him.

Why should I believe the police when they say this is the guy? The police aren’t exactly honest or trustworthy, and they need a scapegoat bad.

The resources being someone told them where he was.

Can’t have the commoners killing the Nobles, it’s bad for the stability of the realm. This concept goes back to the code of Hammurabi, when a physician who allowed a noble to die would lose his hands. We are still stuck in the middle ages, when the nobility could do as it pleased, and the peasants were fodder for the fields. Justice is a joke in the US or any other country. Just keep your head down, do your job, and shut up, while the ruling class uses you as a funnel for their wealth. Then as you die, they use “healthcare” to siphon the last pennies from you.

Now let’s make him senator at least, why not president. All I keep hearing is how smart and nice person he is.

Police are not there to protect you. They’re there to protect the rich

The murdererโ€™s family is worth much more than the CEO he killed. Not that it will matter.

The murder of the CEO is only news because of his wealth and company. Otherwise, it’s a normal day in NYC.

If I had a family member killed in the past few years, Iโ€™d be suing the police for their evident failure.

That’s really not true. All they had were a couple of photos and you couldn’t make out his whole face.

He 100% wanted to get caught. No reason to have all the evidence on him, eat INSIDE a restaurant, and then wait for the police.

A McDonald’s employee caught him, not the NYPD. Local PA cops made the arrest after they got the tip.

I was watching the press conference about the arrest of the shooter. I asked my wife when so you think we’ll see this much effort to find the killer of the manager at McDonald’s

But they didn’t catch him. PA cops did and only because some random fry cook told them.

Same as when a celebrity ODs on drugs.

People are crazy, it’s almost like targeted assassination is celebrated when it benefits everyone

The NYPD didn’t “solve” it lol.

They had no idea who he was, or where he was.
Someone called the cops while he was sitting at a McDonald’s lol

Canโ€™t be himโ€ฆ my friend said they were out drinking beer all morning that day… Has pics and everything to prove it too!

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