This is somehow 1600 calories…

By jscarry
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Lmao is this a reference to the mozzarella sticks ? 😂 that was hilarious

Ok. I missed the mozzarella post…can someone link it?!?

Next post is gonna be a gram of uranium. “This is somehow 5 billion calories”

Yall did NOT understand the reference ☠️ he’s talking about that other guy with the mozzarella sticks talking about how it’s 800 kcal

Pretty sure this is in response to someone posting a pic of deep fried mozzarella sticks and being mildly infuriated they weren’t a diet food

Have you tried breading and deep frying it?

I hope this is a response to mozzarella guy lol

Well played OP. I’m hoping we have at least three more of these in increasing silliness by the end of the week.

this is SOMEHOW 579,600 calories!!!!
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it’s keto time

You have batter and deep fry to bring down the calorie count m, obviously. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Is that a block of cheese, or butter?

What’s infuriating is you putting the butter wrapper dirty side down on the counter.

That thing must have the density of a small neutron star.

Don’t be a baby, eat your fork and plate too

I’m just surprised it didn’t come with a whole oak tree lodged in it that you somehow didn’t notice…

We live in a society

jokes aside I am seriously shocked at the high calorie content in foods i used to eat daily now that i am on a weight loss journey and gym everyday. like, i had one papa john’s pizza a few weeks ago, literally just small plain cheese, and it was a 1000 calories!! i’m supposed to eat 1600-1800 in a day! massive wake up call so i too was shocked by the mozzarella stick one lol


What did you expect if you plan on eating a whole pound of butter?

Is this really what we’re becoming now…idiots who don’t understand mozzarella sticks and trolls?

Oh noooooo, not a nod to the poster who was lamenting about those delicious fried cheese sticks?? # STELLAR

that’s like what, 15 mozzarella sticks?

Vegetarians eatin good, honestly.

You could try coating it in carbs and colersterol before deep frying it. I think that cuts some of the calories.

This is exactly why we need a complete overhaul of the system. The rich keep getting richer and we’re stuck dealing with the consequences. We need change, like, now!

You need a lump of lead as well to reference the plate they are using that they already know has lead in the paint on it and they continue to use it anyway.

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