This is supposed to be an abstract representation of Virgin Mary.

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And her virginity is on full display for all to see!

If designed by priests, they did not know

Not gonna lie, they probably absolutely knew what they were doing lol. And the priests and other fundies probably didn’t pick up on it since none can find the clit

Sacred femininity…I see no issue with this. Why shouldn’t we worship the thing that brings us into this world? You can call it the Virgin Mary if you want, at the end of the day doesn’t she represent the same thing?

That’s a terrible statue. Where’s her head?

I came from a Catholic background and I actually love this statue. It’s so simple yet carries such a deep meaning. The virgin Mary is a symbol of femininity and life, and the statue’s resemblance to a vulva could be referencing these aspects intentionally. Imo no one should be offended by this, especially Catholics, as I think it’s important for them to be reminded of Jesus and Mary’s humanity.

They obviously knew

I’d kneel for that!

Not only did they know, that’s literally the point

Does the female form make you uncomfortable

Nailed it.

“Oh my God. I’m a lesbian.” – Marie Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond)

“Lord, bless this statue. And the people said?”



Hymen and Clitoris. Very sure the church is aware of it and the sculpture knows it too.

Thanks for sharing it. I would have. Never found it.

That is literally what those Mary Statues represent.

I feel like a lot of posts on this subreddit are often low resolution, so it is hard to tell if it is real or Photoshopped. No one (not even OP) is saying where this statue is located either, which makes it seem more fake.

But it’s not! Put this into Google maps and you’ll find it: `65WV+F2 Santa Teresa Gallura, Province of Sassari, Italy`

The vagina Mary

For those wondering, that’s the Madonna dei marinai (sailors’ Virgin Mary) in Santa Teresa Gallura, Italy

People laugh, but using the vulva in depicting the holy virgin is a very ancient medieval tradition. The creator of this statue worked in this tradition,and it is meant to look like that and evoke the association. It is a rather serious piece of Christian iconography and not meant to be funny.

I only saw that after reading what it’s supposed to be. I think everyone saw the same thing I did first

Throbbing Mary

“Hey Honey, I found it!”

I thought of ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’

Our Lady of Labia Minora


9 times out of 10, when it comes to art, they knew and it’s very much intended.

Just makes me hungry

Virgin my ass

“Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?”

“I come to claim the right of prima nocta” – Holy Spirit, probably

It is and it isn’t.

The immaculate conceptual art

Well the hymen seems intact.


Mary better chill. I mean, I know she’s like 2000 years old, but still.

That’s the fucking point of course they knew

There are a lot of vulva allusions in Christian art. The wound in Jesus’ side is also often depicted as rather similar to a vulva.

Y’all ain’t ever taken a fine art class and it shows. Are those teachers pretentiousness AF? Yes. Do they know their shit? Also yes.

Learn you some art history. The virgin Mary has always represented lady bits in paintings. It was literally her only real reason to be included in the story because, if you weren’t an important woman, and I mean hella important, you probably weren’t getting mentioned in a history book or even religious propaganda.

it’s the same with all of the art history on the subject. The madannaa is always a giant image of feminine genitalia. That’s how art history works, Jack. Look at that stuff sometimes. A big old Freudian fractal

I’m a non-Christian guy. I saw the pic, knew it was Virgin Mary, then I looked at the title.. didn’t get it the issue… then I saw the sub…. oh.

Next up: St. Penis’ Basilica.

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