This is the same photo, Taken just as lightning struck

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Rolling shutter?

dark side of the lot

Isn’t that due to shutter speed or whatnot

This is the same pic

One pic


Was expecting before/after

Is this the barracks on camp Hansen in oki?

It’s more likely this is a frame grab from a video of a lightning strike

Encountered many times, it feels like a day time

Man this is a good pic.

Cool camera shutter speed effect.

Cool shot you captured!

I once took a similar one but with the flash of a camera

Noice, i think u cld sell it to smone like Niel degrase Tyson.

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Lightning shall replace streetlights at night, just make more lightning to imitate daytime.

That’s how i feel when drinking water after quite some time.

Day ‘N’ Nite
what what what

Looks like the dark side of the Krusty Krab.

That isn’t how light works… It is, however, a demonstration of how a camera works.

I think you need to reduce the flash there, pal

What are the chances?!😧

I thought that’s a curtain and a window during day time

Incredible photo, I love lightnings

I w”ant to “test”:”quotation” .”

powerful image

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