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Sometimes I speak proper british, sometimes my spaniard accent comes out

I learned English through movies and games.

Someone called me American once. Now, I drink oil.

And sometimes the aussie in me comes out

You could also do this with words variations like “favo(u)rite”


Wa da u wo’t tu say?

I call it the ‘YouTube dialect.’

THERE IS A THIRD WAY! Instead of snooty British accent or a fake sounding American one, but about a beautiful-sounding AUSSIE accent?

dude, same

Wot u mean ma English not good nuf?

Me deciding if the 1000th time seeing this is a good or bad thing

Take the kids to the tube darling and mind the gasoline on the pavement while waiting in line.

Oh and don’t forget to take the rubbish someplace..

I can confirm this.

British vs. American English: two accents, one chaos. Me? I just vibe with whatever Youtube taught me /S

Accent roulette: spin the wheel and pray it lands on coherent.

I’m the epitome of British pronunciation when it comes down to say “there”

How about pretentious Americans in TV shows

Same here man.

06 29 15 19 41 for a gift

I once held a speech in a glaswegian dialect I acquired through dictionaries and videos, it is stuck with me now for an eternity. Plus, the British English which makes me sound like some posh upper-class fop… my lingo is screwed it is

Add here an Australian accent



I think I have European accent when I speak English.

The amount of times my teacher called me out because I couldn’t stick with *just* one

Or “yewtewb” as the English would pronounce it.

That’s actually just a European accent 

Weirdly enough I sound American, British or Irish sometimes.

Me, an American who learned English from my fellow Americans.

Seriously, my accent is a mess it changes between sentences and I’ve hardly been outside of Ohio…

Right in the middle is probably Australian.


Me, a Latina who learned from movies.

I learned british through school first and american through playing games and watching movies, music and books

The correct way.

Meanwhile I mix Arabic, English english, American english, Arabic english, and Indian english.. and a lot of people do not understand me in all languages written or spoken..

same. british, american, west ukrainian and east ukrainian accents in one piece.


I thought that the british Accent sounded cool so I tried to imitate it but now I’ve got some autistic british-american-polish Accent fusion and can’t get rid of it

I once knew a Filipino dude who learned English from late 80s into the 90s gangster rap music and talked exactly like that. Shit was wild.

That’s true, haha

As an autistic kid with no friends who learned from repetition and no lifing games, GTA San Andreas is one of the games I learned the most from, also Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

So as a kid I spoke with a mix of american ebonics and ye olde british accent. The teachers at school were not amused.

I had a French French teacher who had a thick Yorkshire accent when speaking in English. My home town was in North Yorkshire so we initially thought she was taking the piss out of us. But, no, she’d spent her study abroad year in Yorkshire and was going back to France to teach English. I always wonder if there’s several generations of French school children who speak English with a Yorkshire twang. I hope so!

I will die on this hill. What you might consider a “standard” American accent is the clearest and most easily understood accent of the entire English language.

This is absolutely me except im asian and it all started on some old cartoons that were on english from my country, and throughout the years i only watched cartoons that are in english and it influenced me into watching english content on youtube

Up until now, im somehow better speaking in english than my native language

O my god that me

Meanwhile me with a heavy german accent. An actual accent not just saying ja and or fake ferman words when I speak english.

Y’all vs Oi .

I have no idea at all times with which accent I’m speaking with

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