This is what the clown did to America

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Sweet. Iran is now using the US as a foil because we make them look good. MAGA continues to deliver.

When you wonder why Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and of course Russia wanted Trump to win it’s because anyone with a functioning brain can tell the MAGA movement WILL destroy America from within.

Great. Fat Donny has made Iran look like the rational player in global geopolitics.

Sadly, the Dumpsters will immediately spin this as “Canada is aligned with Iran against the US! Invade!”

What fucking world do we live in?

Okay, to be clear, this is not a satire or fake account that just paid for the blue check or a photoshopped tweet, this is really Iran’s military saying they will get involved in any invasions launched by Trump? (I want to be absolutely sure since this is a really bad sign if real, but there are so many fakes on the former bird site.)

Did not have Ol’ Glory as an Axis Flag on my bingo card. These people are on some serious medication.

It’s crazy how we may start witnessing world alliances shifting.

I have been saying for years. America will be the axis of WW3 because the rest of the world will get tired of us.

OMG! Trump is not worth American lives. Help us all.

What kind of timeline am I living in? Why in the world would I be agreeing with Iran?

mildly hilarious

This is funny but fuck Iran and their human rights violations.

Hell, most of America stands ready to help Iran help Canada, Panama, and Greenland too.

That account does not appear to be legitimately controlled by the IRGC or the Iranian government — it has the wrong color “check” mark (blue = X Premium)

See the correct grey-colored mark on Khamenei’s profile, which “indicates that an account represents a government/multilateral organization or official” ([Per X](
comment image?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc51b1bf910b1f42b5a42ca8c76dc6a096a60670

We’ll be lucky if these countries don’t close their borders to Americans…even though half of us laugh at the orange turd ball.

Strange because Republicans used to get along nicely with Iran. They even worked out a deal to keep holding the US hostages until after the election to hurt Jimmy Carter and help Reagan win…

Is this even real?

Hope our military abandons him…. This is not what America does. This is not who we are.

People voted for this,because most of them are too gullible and dumb to see that Trump could give a damn about them!

Canada: Did we just become best friends

Iran: I think we did

Do they still have any of the weapons Reagan sold them?

Anyone who says “Trump is a divider, not a uniter,” is clearly lying and doesn’t have their facts correct.

Trump is doing an outstanding job of uniting all of our allies and our adversaries against us, and honestly, I never thought I would see this in my lifetime.

🖕 The 🇺🇸 of Dumfuckistan!

Yeah the moral high ground is not so high anymore.

It’s time to take a good look in the mirror America


US government

Reverse uno card no one expected

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