This is why all dogs go to heaven

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My very rambunctious dog would be very gentle with my mother who had cancer and would lay on the back of the armchair warming my mothers bald head which was always very cold. She was a completely different dog with her around and I had no idea she could even lay up there. She was a great comfort to my mom. RIP Mommy 🐶🙏

Charlie was a warrior in the face of his greatest enemy: the vacuum. He deserves all the treats in heaven.

I had a cat who every time I was sad and crying, she would cuddle up next to me as tight as possible and just purr loudly. She would never leave my side until I felt better.

I miss you midna…

Years ago, I had a faithful GSD named Konig. I became ill week before Christmas and woke up one night feeling bad and got out of bed to get some ibuprofen because I was burning up. Made it down the hall and crashed on the couch because I was ttoo weak. Got the chills, real bad he laid on me, trying to keep me warm. Wasn’t much long till he went and stood on my wife biting her shirt, tugging her to get up. She found me and got ne into the car and to the emergency room . I had pneumonia in both lungs, and such low oxygen levels toes were a hint of blue.

Same dog save my wife from a dog attack. She was charged by 2 pit bulls, and he fought them off. One of the pits lost an eye. He came out pretty much untouched.


Once I had a really bad day at school and my golden retriever Clay saw me crying. He sat right next to me and leaned into me while wagging his tail slowly. I remember my tears sparkling in the sunlight while they dripped onto his fur.

My cat Sam protected me from night terrors when my mother told me not to wake her up.
I was 4.

We had a pet Sheppard collie mix Sandy and we moved to a farm when I was 11. My youngest brother Heath was 3. We were cleaning out the barn and couldn’t find my brother. We kept calling for him We kept hearing her bark from a nearby field and I went to investigate. My brother was sitting at the edge of a creek playing in the water and she wouldn’t leave his side.

Proof that courage isn’t the absence of fear-it’s acting despite it.

A few days after I had lost my friend due to him ending his life. I was outside with my man and his room mates talking about how great my friend was to everyone. I got a lil emotional and I don’t like people seeing me cry so I went around the corner of the house to cry and my mans room mates bulldog (Lola) followed me as I sat on the ground and cried she sat in my lap and cried with me and licked me. I’ll always miss her and remember her kind soul. She’d also alert me before I’d have panic attacks, then lay with me through them. She was an amazing dog. ♡

In June of 2023, while I was at work, my wife took her own life.

After the medics and cops and eveyone had left that night I was home, alone, in the worst despair I have ever felt. and I swear to you, the only reason i did not also take my own life that night was because i could not leave my dog alone.

He is the only reason I am alive today. That is not an exaggeration.

RIP Charlie I hope doggy heaven is all broomsticks

I remember one time I was really depressed and suicidal and lying on my side in bed when my kitty Shanti came up and laid on top of my head like a sideways-top hat. She has never done something like that before and was a very independent little lady who didn’t like physical contact a whole lot. It was so funny and surreal that I completely forgot about my depressive episode altogether.

When I was a very small child, if there was company in the living room, I would climb in and hide in our dark chocolate retriever dog/bed.
Then if anybody came to close to the basket/bed he would stand over me and growl at anybody who came to close.
I’ll never forgot that. ❤️😍👍🏽

Our bedroom was upstairs and the bathroom was on the main floor. I was terribly sick and weak from the flu, and I was crawling because I was too lightheaded to stand.

My big smart golden retriever Brandon simply put himself under my right arm in a way that put my weight on him and guided me safely to and from the bathroom. Then he lay by my bed while I napped.

Rest in loving peace, sweet Brandon.

My mom said when I was a baby our dog growled out of nowhere late at night. She started barking very loud single barks at the back door. A few minutes later she stopped and went back to sleep.

A handful of neighbors got robbed that night. The burglar was breaking in to back doors, hit the whole block except our house.

I once had a cat we called the doctor. I was running a small shelter for teenaged girls, and whenever someone was crying or freaking out, he would climb up on them and put his head on their chest, and start purring. He was a very sweet cat.

My dog put her paw on my hands when she saw me crying.. Miss u lucky…

We got a puppy the year after my husband’s dog passed. She was adorable and loved husband the most. I was on the verge of a full blown panic attack when she crawled into my lap and kissed my face. She stayed with me until the attack faded, and returned to her daddy.

My bunny kisses my tears ❤️‍🩹

More like made me cry 😭

Not my pet but it was the dog of my mom’s cousin that lived below us in our apartment I grew up in. Dad didn’t lock my stroller and I started rolling down the driveway towards the closed garage doors. Dog was sitting outside and ran over and grabbed the stroller with his teeth and stopped me.

Also was a time where my sister as a newborn fell out of her bassinet in the middle of the night and the dog started barking like mad to wake my parents up to alert them.

I had a really turd headed malamute. She was “vocal”, threw huge tantrums, got in the trash, dug giant holes, you get the idea. I had an emergency hysterectomy when I was 30. That crazy dog crawled up on the bed with me and didn’t move for THREE days. As far as I knew she didn’t even get down to eat drink or potty. She was rotten, but she was great too. Miss you Molly mutt.

I lived away from home with my sibling for a while after a really bad incident hurt me pretty roughly. Over time her saint bernard really took to me, and I to her. About a year in I was going to take my own life one night. Had my stuff packed, money set up to transfer to my family, everything. Ended up breaking down into a sob right before pulling the trigger and it was enough noise for her to not only hear me, but bust into the room. She got on top of me and just layed down across my torso and refused to get up. Just spent a couple hours sobbing into her and hugging onto her. Fell asleep like that. Fuckin love that dog man, she’s such a good girl.

When I was little, my cat pushed me off the bed towards the vaccum!

Thanks for that Scrambles.. Really appreciated that!

Just being there with me when I’m going through it I love my furbaby she is the best and she has changed me,helped me,loves me as I her and when all else fails she’s there making me feel better it’s a hands down just being my best friend that’s what she has done for me so I say thank you Winnie now let’s go for a walk

Love this! That’s my pups name too! She’s a wolf in a shi-tzus body, she has defended me from coyotes, possums and killed several rodents when my wife was scared to death! They are hero’s for sure

My border collie (RIP) would do this when we went on runs with my daughter in the jogging stroller and strangers approached us. He was very timid and would never approach others but if someone got too close, he would park himself between them and the stroller.

The dog I grew up with would often sleep at the base of the stairs, even though she had a bed. For years we thought she just liked it there. Until she was 14 or 15, arthritic and would stick to her bed. Except one night, my sister and I were home alone, and she slept at the base of the stairs – that’s when I realized she was there to protect us ❤️.

After that I always made sure her bed was at the base of the stairs when our parents were out so she’d be comfy.

My pittie did that when my Boxer had cancer. When he was on the couch at work and the floor cleaners came, she would grab the hem of their pant leg and pull them back, or stand in front of him.and holler at the machine until they were done.

Before he got sick, she generally just sat on his head or licked his eyelashes off at bedtime via forced mothering.

Dogs are gold, full stop ❤️

She also does this for babies 😍

I was a very skinny, awkward, and distracted child who caught no end of bs from my siblings and cousins. During the winter when we’d go out onto the ice to play, I’d often get teased or just left to my own devices, and this big dog would appear out of nowhere to just run around with me or sit with me on the ice where I’d pet it and hug it. I have no idea whose dog had come to my side, but my young childhood winters were made better because a kind dog spent time with me.

We had a dog who was scared of all machines, vacuum cleaner, power drill, washing machine everything except when my mom would take the Kenwood Food processor down from the top of the cupboard she would be right there under her feet because she knew it would either be biscuits or a cupcake or something.

Watch the whole process and would whine when it came out of the oven for hers and my mom trying to explain to her it’s hot.

Same dog decided to have her puppies underneath my mom’s bed

You may run all the time there little Charlie. No more pain, just happy moments only. RIP Charlie

😭 now my eyes are sweating.

It’s also why, as I vacuum, I constantly scold the vacuum cleaner and praise my dog.

I remember this but barely.
We had a large shaggy dog on our farm who used to let me ride him. I would have been 3 or 4 and according to my father, used to sit tight, hugging him for my life while he would stroll around gently.

After I failed my first driving test and with my Mom being very harsh about it, my little shih tzu was licking my tears away 🙂

My dog Piper was a natural born therapy dog. I never gave her any specific training for that kind of thing, but she was so good at recognizing people’s feelings and trying to help.

She learned when I was depressed and overwhelmed, I like to cover my face. It became her mission to intervene any time she saw this- if I covered my face with my hands, she’d wiggle her snout into the gap and push my hands away to lick me. If I pulled a blanket over myself, she figured out how to grab it and yank it off. She would find socks and soft things and push them into my lap if I was crying, such a damn good dog.

My mom told me this story from her childhood

On a snowy evening with very little lights an uncle from her neighbour got lost. When found unconscious the next day, they found his dog inside his jacket keeping him warm enough to survive.

She also had a dog who used to take my grandmother on walks and would force her to sit after every 5 mins to give her rest. Towards his end he refused to leave the stairs of the temple and the priest finally allowed him to stay there as long as he wants, he passed away there. Wish I could have met him.

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Meanwhile my dog hates the baby and the vacuum equally and is feeling by really outnumbered.

Did Charlie ever bite your finger ? Asking for a friend….

Just heart-warming. Dogs never cease to amaze me

I have a dog named Sonic – this little floof Pomeranian mutt, who never really cared too much for attention. All he wanted to do was go outside and hunt moles. He was sort of aloof – he loved us being around, but the mole killing was always the priority.

Well, after my wife had our son, Sonic slept under the bassinet for 3 days. Didn’t leave the baby’s side for food or water. Just guarded him. He still sleeps outside the boy’s room.

My job is in home service and at this one house they had a GSD that was very friendly. Petted him for min then went downstairs. They ended up having a code infraction that prevented me from doing the repair that day. Came upstairs, told the guy I couldn’t fix it. The guy got up off the couch with a purpose/anger in his eye. The dog sat in front of me and barked at the owner. Shocked the hell out of me that he would do that.

The wife came home right then, dog went to her and I got the hell out of there.

Thought about it after that the guy prob hits either the dog or his wife, so the dog knew the behavior before anything happened.

This is what my no-teeth, 1 paw-paralyzed senior cat still does to our 7-year old son.

I love them both so much.

Whenever I’m having a really hard time and start crying, my baby girl will lick my tears, press her head against mine, and cuddle up as close to me as she can until I feel better. She’s my soul dog 🥺

I have a cat who will sometimes have nightmares or at least dreams where he is clearly in distress. When that happens I’ll softly say his name several times before he wakes up after which he’ll ask for pets before cuddling into me and going back to sleep. One night I was having a bad dream and he meowed at me till I woke up, then he nuzzled me and curled up beside me before we both went back to bed.

Slept walked out my front door when I was 4 in late fall, and my parents found me in the morning on the front step with my cat laying on top of me. Who knows, maybe he was trying to stay warm hahaha but regardless I will always be thankful.

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