This Japanese trend :

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This trend was 20 years ago Marty

Some of these musical wind instrument trends are just another excuse for gratuitous sax and violins..

Interesting? Sure.

As fuck? Hardly

Beats planking, that’s for sure 

Pon pon patapon…… FEVEEERRRRR!

Y’all need a healthy dose of Street Fighter

I can remember doing this lame ass trend many years ago during my school days. It’s not a new trend.

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Can you hear it?

Seems like an attack for a kirby abilty

We did this shit in 90’s y’all

This isn’t interesting as fuck

Master of the hunting horn.

We just called this “recess” 30 years ago.

Are the Japanese, as a nation, 100% bored 100% of the time?

Any time I see reports on Japan it, “Guess what weird shit the Japanese are up to to kill time now!”

We call that the money shot in America



Behold: my second favorite photo genre

Right behind hurdlers hurdling without hurdles

Oh wow, the trend is making a comeback!

“it takes 20 years of practice to master this art”



The way she is standing, it looks like she let loose a SONIC BOOM Queef

That’s what happens to me when I see tuba, Get back from me Satan

I love it!

Why is it explaining it like we don’t know what a Hadouken is? Do people not know what a Hadouken is?

Meanwhile americans eating laundry detergent…

So just me playing with my kids everyday.

[Yea you got the hadoukens coming out](

That looks like a MH bowgun stance to me.

Don’t tell ‘em about darth vader..

Ryu approaches a fish food stand run by Ken and asks “may I have some haddok-ken?”
Ken replies “Sure-you-can!”

Thanks Internet Explorer


It kinda looks like those 2 are doing Chun Li’s kikoken from super turbo lol

That’s my text ringtone 😁 had it for about 12 years now on every phone I’ve had too

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