This kid fell asleep during an event at the White House, and Obama took a photo with him

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Thatโ€™s definitely a photo to show at the little guyโ€™s wedding a few years from now

little guy got his dream come true by sleeping

This man has such a safe, positive vibe to him

I miss obama

Meanwhile if this happened to Trump:

2am Twitter Rant: “Jason…I thought he was a good kid. He was not. Okay? VERY LOW ENERGY. Rumor is his parents are recent immigrants. IF YOU COME TO OUR COUNTRY YOU HAVE TO LEARN OUR CULTURE. That INCLUDES being AWAKE when around the best president, okay? The greatest president. A nasty, nasty family. Everyone’s saying it.”

I miss this dude being president so much

This didnโ€™t make me smile, it made me sad. I miss having decency and intelligence in the White House

His little bro knows.

As an european: Obama was peak USA. Back then I respected the fuck out of you. I believed in you.

Please, get rid of that orange felon and his clowns and give us back those times.

With love from Germany

Hope that kid continues to be able to sleep anywhere.

Shoutout to the dad in just a t-shirt at a white house event lol

Meanwhile, trump sleeps with dictators

I know americans loved to argue whether his policies were good, I am not american so I can’t judge. Though from my pov, it definitely seemed like he did more good than bad. And more importantly, he actually acted like a proper president and was well respected around the world.

Look at the genuine joy on the faces of people in the backโ€” come back Obama!

*Obama breathes*

“and I took that personally”

-every republican ever


Then he drew a penis on his face

lol iconic

Haha! Nice

Hey, do you know if there’s a subreddit for contagious smiles? Everyone in the pic, even the toddler in a vest, is making me so happy right now.

This kid is set for his โ€œtwo truths and a lieโ€ icebreaker FOR LIFE

The kid in the yellow shirt is the best part of this pic for me, he’s having the best time!

Thanks for this picture, it made me happy, everyone in the picture looks relaxed, not tense, but like they know they are in a setting of safety just like cats and dogs behave when they are not worried or nervous, very different from the pictures with Trump.

Obama passed the vibe check ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)

He had a good sense of humour/was playful.

Ugh I love that man

You’ll definitely never see another child of color in the white house anytime soon ๐Ÿ™

I miss him! ๐Ÿ˜ข

The kid is goals.

Itโ€™s similar to the note he wrote for a kidโ€™s teacher โ€˜she was with meโ€™.

Whoโ€™s gonna argue with that??

Reminds me of the time he met that kid in a Popemobile and absolutely cracked up.

Don’t think I’ve seen a beautiful gesture in my country where I am from.. nice to see this generational picture

His lil bro gonna make fun of him about this the rest of his life lol

I miss that man so much

Trump would have tried to fuck him.

Obama feels like a father, I mean the image that comes to mind when you think of a father.

A real peopleโ€™s President.

Thatโ€™s classy as shit. Obama was really a solid guy

This will haunt him. Forever. ๐Ÿ˜‚

No one’s going to disrupt this kid’s nap. I respect that.

Oh man, that era was great.

Would be great to see that photo happening and would be great to see me in the photo.

Obama was an era I looked at for improving times.

niiice, got a good laugh, thanks. He is such a good person

I would give anything to have Obama back, yโ€™know?

This kid is living the dream, literally and figuratively! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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