This lemonade I bought today that my 4 year old says looks like detergent.

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Kids say the ~~darndest~~ *truest* things.

I thought it was detergent and I got quite excited about my clothes smelling lemony fresh but now I’m just disappointed

Your kids right, I don’t ever recall seeing a bottle of juice shaped like that. 

Well goddamnit maybe she wouldn’t have used it if it didn’t look like detergent 🤣😭

I hope you keep encouraging her to question things that don’t seem right. Better to double-check than to just assume.

She’s not wrong

Well, you better put the *real* detergent out of reach.

“Made with real sugar” lol as if it was something to brag about 😂😂😂 WTF america

Kid is spot on… that’s totally a laundry detergent bottle that just happens to hold lemonade

Given the state of the US Food Industry it probably contains the same chemicals…

Off topic, but why is “made with *real* sugar” an advertising point? Is sugar hard to come by in this country?

Genuine question, no ill will intended

Definitely looks like laundry sauce

Prolly has less lemons in it than detergent does

I thought the title would say “I bought lemonade but it’s actually detergent”

I did too until I read the caption.

I too thought it was detergent at first

Nowadays you can enhance your marketing by saying you put *real* sugar in your product

No no, that kid’s got a point

Now they making edible stuff look inedible

Why is this “mildly infuriating?” Your child make an accurate statement

I did a double take. Definitely read the label but still saw detergent for a minute

At the best a jug of canola oil. That’s definitely somebody with an MBA saving .0012 cents per million units

I thought it was lemonade scented detergent on first look

Now that you said that, I can’t unsee it being and tasting like detergent.

yeah i really can’t blame here there


At this point they’re trying to make kids confused between detergent and drinks and candy on purpose

Reminds me of a similar pet peeve I have with cleaning products in juice looking bottles

10/10 times would drunkenly pour into the washer

It does look like a bottle of detergent or fabric softener lol

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I also thought it was detergent!

There’s no way that isn’t a detergent bottle that some manufacturer repurposed for lemonade

it’s just the container it’s in.


We’ve come full circle

Your four year old is smarter than the designer that Kroger hired to to design that product container

Well, your floors…or dishes, or laundry…will be lemony fresh!

So you’re telling me I’ve been washing my clothes with lemonade.


The bottle kinda does.

“None for you then”

And this becomes a good opportunity to focus on reading labels

There is more sugar in this than in Coca Cola. I hope you dont see this as a healthy drink.

What does “made with real sugar” mean? I’m not from the us, what kind of sugar could it be made of if not real one? 👀

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