This meme is exclusive to USA

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Aren’t there some countries where tipping is an insult?

Kitchen staff: “you can’t be back here sir.”
Me:”well since yall don’t likely pay wait staff a living wage and I’m already overpaying for this food, tell me where to stand so when my food is done I can walk it the 15 steps to my table. This way the waitress doesn’t feel like I stole her money by not giving her an expected donation for calling me “honey or sweetheart ” if I wanted to pay someone to fake flirt with me, I can find a strip club with even better wings.”

In the UK, tips are only given for exceptional service (for the most part). This is the way it should be. Tips should never be an expectation.
USA gotta get their shit together and pay their restaurant staff fairly so they arnt reliant on Tips

The tip culture is stupid but actually works out so well for the servers alot. They make way more than those in the kitchen

Tipping is a cancer that needs a cure

Look at em right back, what are they gonna do?

This makes me not want to go to America..

Why are you tipping based on food quality, anyway? That’s like refusing to pay my Internet bill because I hated season 8 of GoT.

Edit: I know you said “and service”. I just think it’s weird that food would be a factor when paying the person who delivers it to you.

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