This (not so bright) cardinal keeps getting stuck in my porch & then gets offended when I remove him

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There is a belief that cardinals are your passed relatives. So which relative was more likely to get stuck in a porch? Lol

dude likes you

“Put me down, woman.”

I’ll say – look how red he is. He’s probably offended too because of his status, I mean, he *is* just below the pope on the hierarchical ladder.

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Angry bird.

1. Just be careful how you pick him up, their chests are very easy to compress and then they can’t breathe (til you let go).

2. Wash your hands afterward, really really well. Bird flu is no joke. Some strains have a ~50% mortality in human cases.

He’s mad because you’re trespassing in his porch.

He obviously likes you but seems really pissed at you on this photo 🤣
All he need is love actually 🥰🥰

Cardinals are suppose to be symbol of someone visiting you from other side. I have a female and male that visit my backyard nearly daily that i believe are my past dog and cat, male and female. They watch me and my current kitty as we walk the backyard.

One time a tufted titmouse got stuck on our porch. I caught him, opened the door, and opened my hand.

That little asshole looked at me, bit my hand, and flew off. I yelled after him that next time I’d feed him to our snake. He must’ve heard me because it didn’t happen again. Now, Carolina wrens…holy hell those are some dumb little birds. Constantly removing them from the porch. There can’t be that many around here so there have to be repeat visitors.


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Does he have a mate nearby? Or are these solo missions onto your porch?

I have a blue jay that does the same thing. Makes a racket the entire time I’m walking him back outside, then hangs out on my hand and won’t fly away for a bit.

Now let’s hear his side of the story!

He seems pissed “Let go of me, janet!”

That bird looks really grumpy! He definitely doesn’t like being kicked out.

His color really suits his pissed face. 🤣🤣🤣

I don’t have anything funny to say- this is just funny and cute and that bird is clearly in love with you girl.

I like boids


Unhand me woman!

How the hell are you able to grab him? It’s a full blown disaster when birds get caught in our house!!!

I love cardinals. Please, wash your hands thoroughly. Maybe wear a mask when you handle him. Bird flu is no joke.

Good looking and not smart. Go figure.

This reminds me of the movie Birds

AWW this little dude looks so cute! 😍😍
He obviously wants to stay.

I have heard seeing a cardinal means a loved one who’s passed is telling you they love you.

“Hey squatter’s rights!”

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