This one hits hard.๐Ÿ’”

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That and that procrastination type of depression. When you want everything to be perfect so you wait until it passes you by…

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Start by making eye contact and smiling. You’ll hate it at first and feel very silly, but eventually, it’ll get easier and easier. After a while, you’ll even start talking with strangers, and everything will seem less scary and feel fun. Results may vary. Pretty privilege will be in effect.

And being black

I fumbled the FINEST girl I ever met because I was shy and thought I wasnโ€™t worth her

Sheโ€™s now dating someone who I can objectively say Iโ€™m a better dude than lmaoooo

Trying to mourn lost opportunities while keeping prepared for new ones that will present themselves can make for a tough challenge. You wanna give your former self some grace, but damn that sucks

It wasn’t meant to be. You weren’t in the right place. Be kind to earlier versions of yourself.

also give a shout out to the times that I got saved because that rash action that crossed my mind but did not take would have gotten me into some big trouble

Bullying as a teenager made me afraid to jump out of my comfort zone, and heavily rely on alcohol to loosen me up.

I wish I was a smarter, more confident young adult. But here I am at 35 making up for my 20s.

Hot take: those opportunities weren’t right for you at the time, not in that state of mind.

I don’t regret things I did. I regret the things I didn’t do

You didnโ€™t miss them. They just werenโ€™t for you in that moment. As cliche as it is, moments of failure can be even more important than moments of success.

Missing opportunities can teach you how valuable they are. It can condition you to seize them when you have a chance. Even this tweet shows a reflective nature, acknowledging the importance of believing in yourself. That lesson is a lot harder to learn if you donโ€™t go through.

The girl I had a crush on from grade school all the way up through high school, came up to me after graduation and wanted my number, but my sister shut it down. The girl is a doctor now! I could have been Mr. doctor! Had two little half doctor kids.

My real beef with my introversion

I donโ€™t need to called out by so many people in comments like this. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I did not come on Reddit at 9:30am to be killed this softly (RIP Miss Flack) by a post.

As a social butterfly that everyone wants to be friends with who is now a 42 year old man, I now wish to be left alone.


dam i felt this

Oo, ouch.

Gratitude in knowing I have the option to start again.

I was struggling about missed opportunities because of my limitations just last week. Realized that my shyness was fear and that self esteem is nurtured by parents in early childhood.

I will just put it out here. I will ask out that pet shop cutie I know. Amen

fumbling a bad jont the WORST

Yeah but thankfully it snapped in me to get out the zone and become the man like it snapped in Gohan when he went ssj2 vs cell in my mid 20s.


You don’t really miss out on anything because the only reality you get is the one reality you have. There is no alternate where you took that opportunity, where you talked to that girl, where you weren’t shy etc. These feelings are just self destructive nostalgia.

Don’t underestimate the opportunity to learn and grow from your mistakes. Those dead and buried opportunities can become seeds that blossom into your future success.

My people

Wheeew. He’s talking too loud

If someone could calculate the economic cost of this and the impact that free housing has on reducing these feelings and the loss that occurs there would be free housing for everyone.

I’ve fumbled the ball so many times because of self-esteem issues.

One of the worst I can think of was when a girl was showing me how she likes having sex, and I went, “Haha that’s crazy” and walked away.

As someone who’s almost 50 and just started the work of not being my own worst enemy in my head, if you’re like that also, I promise you’re worth it. All of the things I can’t/won’t do out of fear of looking dumb, I’ve been a hostage of the ghosts of bad upbringing for decades. I had my first positive thought the other week, and it stopped me in my tracks.

(Also, as mean as you are to yourself, there’s a whole clown car full of people who should (but don’t) beat themselves up in the US right now. If those chucklefucks can do it, so can you.)

Don’t forget being dense too. More often then not, I just think women are being super friendly. So much so that I’ve had a few just become blunt with me out of frustration.

Pretty much skipped out on my entire teenage years because of social anxiety just so I could stay at home and play GTA4 or runescape instead

On the bright side, I’ve still not caught COVID due to chronic people avoidance.

This will be crossposted and bot copied for years.

So many chances we arenโ€™t getting back ๐Ÿ˜”


One of the biggest things I deal with. Even to this day.


This frustrating how on point he was looking back.

Lost the love of my life because of this illness


Oh, man, Brandiโ€ฆ

In the 8th grade, I was crazy about this girl but was way too shy/intimidated by her beauty to ever believe I had a shot with her. Weโ€™d hung out a lot that school year, and while I sometimes did kinda get the impression she was flirting with me, misreading signs was something I was a professional at by 13, so I eventually learned to stop reading into *everything* as a โ€œgoโ€ sign, and got so unsure of myself that I wouldnโ€™t take the chance no matter how blatant the โ€œsignโ€ was.

She and her family moved out of state, and I havenโ€™t seen her since, not even on social media. Her best friend that year eventually asked me why I never took a shot with Brandi, when โ€œit was so obvious she liked you!โ€ After further discussion, I came to learn that Brandi was into me as much I her, but she mistook my insecure aloofness to her gigantic flirtatious banners that screamed โ€œI LIKE YOU!โ€ as me not being interested.

I was so bummed out after that that I eventually began allowing myself to maybe take the shot if the flirtations were a lot more than just subtle hints. Sometimes I read โ€˜em wrong, but the times I didnโ€™t made me glad I at least learned that painful lesson at 13.

Thing is once you break the cycle of shyness and low self esteem, you’re older and don’t GAF as much.

My personal hell is being shown replay of my life where everyone I had a chance with is highlighted to me.

People who are actually shy and have low self esteem don’t use twitter, don’t give personal takes and don’t put pictures

Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you

From doing all the things in life that you’d like to

I said to hell with that mentality. Now I’m bold as hell

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