This photo was taken in Glacier National Park in the province of British Columbia and shows a train rumbling through snow banks as high as the train itself! Photograph by Parks Canada

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Next generation of trains won’t hear the end of this one

Is this the Snowpiercer sequel?

I worked at CP, this is the west exit of the MacDonald tunnel that is 9 miles long.
The tunnels were built because of extreme avalanche hazard.
This is the Rogers Pass in western BC.

Until right now I did not know there were two Glacier National Parks, one in Montana, and another in BC.

I want to see the machine that plowed it

My dad worked for BNSF for literally 40 years. When he retired, they gave him a gold pocket watch. He gifted it to me before he died.

“just gonna scootch by ya there.”

Reminds me of The Long Winter book by Laura Ingalls Wilder and reading about how deep the snow was.

Where are the buffalo bill fans when you need them

Toronto would shut down and ask for napalm to clear the snow before it could function again

I was in the area in 2023 and visited Rogers Pass Discovery Center. This place offers a great deal of information on the subject of trains + mountains + avalanches. It was quite impressive. I remember there was a 1970s film being shown on the subject which was really awesome. I’ll try and find it.

[Found it!](

Paid extra for the views

Good luck on the invasion America. Dress warm, bring a shovel. You’re gonna fuckin’ need it.

Are their plow-trains? I’m very curious how they maintain the tracks in the winter.

How do they plow the snow in the first place..?

I wonder what year this was taken.

When your morning commute feels like a scene from a survival documentary

I suspect the photo description is not totally true. The level of snow on the top of the tunnel is only about a foot deep despite being close to the train. This seems to show an avalanche and the work to clear a path through it for a train to pass.

My claustrophobia could never

Reminds me of that snowy track in n64 mario kart

Looks like my driveway this winter.

When you pay your kids to clear the snow…


At least it wasn’t too deep.

Imagine you’re a deer that happens to fall in there, then a train comes.

That’s a lot of icing sugar.

A la verga

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