This really is wild lol

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Let’s pack it up everyone. Time to go to the nursing home.

I had a large, expensive iPod, the one that came out 2005. I gifted the same or the previous model to my then partner, in 2004.

I think I had three different iPod nano generations, one iPod touch (second hand) and then 2013 a smart phone. I still put music through iTunes on an ipar Air 2, from 2013 or so. I stopped using that when subscribing to Spotify. I had the first iPod Airs, their battery life went down dramatically within a year. I don’t like them anymore and will never buy new ones.

This feels like all apple listening devices I ever had put in one! 😃

I feel old now (*1984,F)


It’s not real, it’s just someones render.

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We already came full circle

The 6th gen iPod nano’s that were the size of a stamp were great. I still don’t have that same “this thing carries my podcasts and music and clips to my waistband and weighs nothing and doesn’t swing around” item since I lost or broke my old one. I don’t know how many laps around Town Lake that thing took with me.

Zune baby

My first was an iPod Video. I paid extra to get the back engraved with a Matchbox Twenty lyric (or a Tabitha’s Secret lyric… however you wanna look at it).

But it would be worse because it holds no music itself. You still need your phone for it to work.

The Dreamcast VMU is back! Now let me take care of my Chao on there Apple.

Then add wireless headphones connected by a cord and this masterpiece is complete

I found a working 160GB iPod in the tip shop for $2 not long ago. That was my first. Had to sell it to fix my van 🙁 I was always too broke to afford an MP3 player and by the time I could phones had basically taken the reigns.

[RCA Lyra]comment image) gang where you at

It was a good run… now it’s over. And also beginning again?

my first mp3 player was an iRiver. No one I knew heard of the brand, but my dad gave it to me because his brother highly recommended it. I had maybe like 3-4 mp3 players before I got my first phone that also played music. I kinda wish I kept those, I don’t even remember what they look like or what music I had on them at the time.

Thats really usefull if its free.

Make sure it keep feeding it music so it grows up nice and strong!

This actually would’ve been really cool 20 years ago

I had the iPod Nano 4th generation, pink. I’ve used it for a long time, even when it became the norm to just use your phone. I still have it somewhere and it probably still works

This would only make sense if the plan on to eventually remove the phone device completely and housing the GPU somewhere permanent (implant) or in a wearable unit like glasses frames or something.
With no screen to interact with, this allows for another dimension of use within an augmented reality.

It would be nice if this thing could receive phone calls. It’s pretty small, so just displaying a callback number or short numeric message would probably be enough.

And iPod nano that needs your phone to Bluetooth to the case that Bluetooths to the earpieces. I feel like we went backwards somehow

Looks like a cheap Chinese vape

So unnecessary

JBL has had this for a while. 

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