This represents the current situation pretty good

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No peace in Ukraine unless the Ukrainian government is represented at the “peace” talks. Trump is ensuring Putin gets Ukraine. The US loses, Europe loses and especially Ukraine loses. The only winner is Putin.

I still can’t believe we’re living in 2025. This is all so primitive

As a german I am getting bad flashbacks seeing this cartoon…

Trump is doing that to the American people, too.

I feel for the Ukrainians, first the Budapest Memorandum, and now this.

This picture is ominous. Not in a million years will Zelensky die of old age.

Well thatโ€™s about as accurate as you can get

They shouldn’t have started it, being the theme of Trump’s tirade. <PUKE>

Yeah not just Ukraine. All the former friends.

It was always the plan. It was called out in his last term. I don’t see how it’s always a surprise.

Eh. Close, but not quite. There’s no *back*-stabbing.

Trump should be in Russia’s corner. It’s not like they are pretending to not work for them anymore.

It would represent it even more accurately if Trump was standing next to Putin. There’s no backstabbing, Trump is openly working with Russia to screw over Ukraine.

Kinda funny how the dissenters in the comment section ended up being Russian, Indian, and an obvious bot.

What ever happened to better dead than red? Murica seems to love the commies these days

Where are the voices of all the influential / high profile Americans that oppose trump. Are they being silenced? Or are they choosing not to speak up. The man is hell bent on making the world a worse off place.

Sorry if you are speaking up itโ€™s just I havenโ€™t seen any coverage of huge protests/lobbying or publicly speaking out against trump and his administration- or have Americans just accepted this fateโ€ฆ?

Not fully accurate: Ukraine has been fighting with a hand tied at its back for years now.

I did good? Rigt mr. Putin?

Make russia Small Again

โ€œA FUCKING MUPPET SHOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING!โ€ Absolute fucking surreal!

“Take that for not helping me against Biden in 2020”


Munich 2.0

This reminds me way too much of the [DolchstoรŸlegende ]( Only this time it’s looking to be the truth. The damage the Trump administration is and will be doing is going to take decades to even work through nevermind repair.

I donโ€™t understand the picture. Why would Trump be in his corner? When was he ever in his corner? You can only backstab someone from behind but if you were never behind them(supported them) there is no backstab.

Erdogan from behind with a steel chair!


Invoke the Lenin Protocol

Is that the new Dolchsutzrlegende ? also incredible accurate.

Orders from israel . The us cant fund two wars , they can but its way too costly

If the events that happen to Russia happen to USA after the fall of USSR WE USA WOULD DO THE SAME. In 1991 they were fractured into fifteen different states per say. Imagine the United States being split up 15 different ways would not one of those states strive to get those other states back. Russia it’s partially surrounded.
By governments that are supported by NATO, and they’re not part of it.
America would lose their frickin’ mind if we were surrounded by OPPs
Europe and US gave Ukraine’s security guarantees for their large nuclear Arsenal at the end of cold war after the collapse of soviet union
There will be no long-term peace until Russia has secured. It’s safety by, limiting NATO Presence, and it’s surrounding states. Russia has accused Europe and US for helping a coup in Ukraine in 2014. The previous leader vowed to Russia that they were not going to join NATO after the coup. What would you know Ukraine wants to be part of NATO who benefited from this? Not Russia, we, as Americans would never allow such actions to be taking place. We would do the same By sanction or by violence, I’m not a pro Russia, but you have to ask yourself, what would americans do? And if we wouldn’t want it here, why would russia want it there

Actually picture should be Mr. Zelensky fighting with one hand behind his back

I still feel like we are going to war with Europe vs Russia and take Russia side

About time.

They are not in a boxing ring where they have to follow the boxing rules. That picture is just manipulation and far from truth.

America started this geopolitical war indirectly through NATO. Now they made a deal with Russia: Russia leaves Syria alone so that America can start over and install a new puppet regime. In turn, Russia gets to keep parts of Ukraine.

The image would be equally valid with the US in place of Zelensky. How are so many people held hostage by a handful of psychopaths?

That cartoon could just have easily have the US people in the middle, rather than Zelensky.

It’s the textbook US failed regime change attempt. Anybody with an IQ over 30 knew from the start Zelensky was going to be left out to dry in the end. The whole thing should have ended in original peace talks but Boris Johnson with support from the US decided to tank the talks in a half-baked attempt to use the Ukrainian population as fodder to try and stretch Russia thin.

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No screenshots, No AI-generated images, No pictures with added/superimposed digital elements. This includes image macros, comics, infographics, maps, MS Paint type scribbles, and most diagrams. Text (e.g. a URL) serving to credit the original author is exempt. Blurring or boxing out of personal information (e.g. faces, license plates, phone numbers) is also exempt. Screenshots includes both actual screencaptures, any image that contains GUI elements, as well as photos of screens.

Since when are comics allowed on r/pics ?

Redditors are truly another level of delusional.

Dude could cure cancer and youโ€™d say heโ€™s putting oncologists out of work

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