This restaurant placed a sticker over the “No Tip” option to force customers to leave a tip

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I’d peel that shit right off of there.

I’m glad that where I’m from this is very illegal (and enforced)

I went to pickup some wings the other day and when I went to pay they had pre-selected a 30% tip. I gave them 0% and said I wasn’t coming back.

If you want a 30% tip for doing literally nothing you are out of your fucking mind.

I’ll generally be tipping but seeing things like that makes me go out of my way to ensure that I leave no tip.

hi, can you imput “no tip” for me?
yeah, i would love to leave a tip, but i hate to be forced to. sorry but no sorry.


Just take the stick off at this point, being forced to tip isn’t illegal ? (I’m French we don’t have these)

Hit the cancel button and walk out of there

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this

America’s tipping culture is stupid

%. 0.

$0 send

% -> 0

Kind sir, it seems your brand new POS still has that pesky factory sticker on the screen, let me help with that

Select percentage, select zero. Done

Life hack- Custom tip: -$20. /s

Get rid of tipping all together. Businesses should pay a livable wage. Period.


I would pick that fuckin’ sticker off so fast to give no tip.

Would rip that sticker straight off. Tipping culture is bullshit

I wouldn’t go back.

you say, nevermind. and then leave.

Quickest way for me to never come back again. I have no problem tipping for carryout, be it only 5%-10%, but force me to tip and you’re getting 0.



Green Key

K Thx Bye.


$0.01 it is!

Yesterday I went to order food and I told them I was paying card. The person said “Okay, whenever you’re ready” but my card wouldn’t swipe and the only thing on the screen were the buttons for the tip. I even tried pressing the green button to bypass it, finally I told her it wasn’t letting me go and she bypassed it for me.

% -> 0 

And I would never return to that place.

Custom $0

If they did something like that in my country, they’d have the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection on their shoulders.

Report this restaurant to the department of labor. There is no way this is legal.

Report this business to verifone, and tell them they are altering their POS system by using stickers to confuse the customers. I 100% know, in their terms for using their pos systems is they may not alter the device in anyway.

“%” > “0”

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