This shi had me dead😂

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This dad dads

This dad is living proof that the dad joke gene is dominant.

Wtf are those?!?!

I wish these hadn’t gotten the ridicule they did. I actually liked running in them.

Professional father right there

Those shoes are hella comfortable tho

Lmao when I met y husband he was wearing these lol


Honestly years ago some guy wore these shoes in a first date and it immediately turned me off completely. Couldn’t get over it. Was no second date.

And I was liking him a lot prior to that lol

Those shoes are super comfortable. If you’re going on a date then don’t wear ’em. If you’re going for a walk by yourself or doing anything by yourself that involves shoes then they’re a good option.

My barefoot shoes are *so comfy*

I’ve been wearing Fivefingers for the past five years or so and I’ve never had so many compliments about my shoes. They last longer than any tennis shoe I’ve ever owned, and it’s been the main catalyst to reversing the bunion I’ve had since I was a toddler.

My 52-year-old BF wears those year-round.

My husband and I have some. I’m on my third pair in 10 years and they are a really great shoe! They look goofy as hell, but with my chronic pain I need my feet to be able to move freely.

“At least mine isn’t attached to my face, dad.”

^Proceeds ^to ^get ^beaten ^to ^the ^very ^brink ^of ^death.

Bahahahaha this is hilarious


kinda like how when my younger brother by 12 years would act up, my stepdad would whisper to me ‘birth control’

Same with crocs

Those goddamned shoes destroyed my foot after just a few times wearing them. Took years to improve, and I had to wear cushions on my transverse arches forever.

Down the stairs w that b


You shoot from your toes?

Jokes aside, werent there shoes that are healthy for the foot but looks like a regular shoe?

But I love my toe shoes :c

That’s awesome

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