This sounds like something a dictator would do.

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This helps lower food prices how?

>The man never stops!!

I don’t understand how riding in the back of a car wasting taxpayer money is some kind of accomplishment.

If this had been a Dem, Kirk would be losing his shit probably calling for his/her public execution.

I watch nascar but live in MA. The MAGAs were eating it up. This some Kom Jong Ill shit.

He is such an exhausting vacuum of need and adoration.

4 miles per gallon.

Someone wanna suggest that DOGE look into that?

After they get done sniffing their own asses.

After wasting how much taxpayer money taking his entourage to the Super Bowl last week? And then leaving before halftime? Yeah, WTF?

He also potentially ruined the first part of the race by forcing the drivers to run two extra laps, forcing them to only be at 60%ish throttle all through the first part of the race till the rain delay occurred.

Fuck trump and all his enablers

The only time he stops, is when he has to catch his breath after eating two Big Macs, large fries and a Diet Coke.

Never stops vacationing is more like it.

I don’t think the presidents character was this bad in ‘Idiocracy’

Reminds me of the dictator of Turkmenistan doing donut’s next to pit of fire to show how “cool” he is.


Charlie just wants Daddy to love him.

One hero secret service driver. One hero Air Force one pilot. Just one hero is needed.

Some real Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov behavior.

This sounds like something the presidents rebellious daughter would do in a 90s romcom

cynically, this was my first thought as well. does this show up under doge audit as โ€œwasteโ€?

Heโ€™s the distraction. What Elon and other members or the Heritage Foundation are doing is the threat. Trump is still dangerous but heโ€™s instrumental to their plans; not the driver.

I love ol Charlie with the โ€œthe man never stops!โ€, as if riding in the back of a limo on the Daytona track is some important work.

If Joe Biden had done something like this itโ€™d be the top news story for a week.

More fascist shit! Fascist leaders have a need to show off. Same way Kim Jong Un has apparently got a hole in one the first time he ever played golf.

Embarrassing beyond words.

Just has to go where the crowd is. Soooo needy. To chicken to run the banks. Pretty sure โ€œThe Beastโ€ is so heavy it makes its own gravitational pull. It could have done it.

Charlie Kirk please remove your lips from the orange felons dick.

Charlie Kirk is a tool.

The man never stops show boating in a circus of idiots

You fucking know he’s making vroom noises in the back seat.

Yer talking about a group of people who would probably be jealous of someone that Elon/Trump sexually assaulted.

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