This stoat lives under my cabin, and it is really useful as it makes sure there aren’t any rodents or shrews that enter my cabin

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A useful Stoat!

Adorable soft ruthless killing machine!

That’s the best kind of pet, zero maintenance 100% Cute!

I would be unable to do anything other than name it after a Redwall villain.

Varmint destroyer

Stoats are my people

Stoats are delightful li’l creatures.

I built a little den for the one at my cabin. In return, he/she kept the rodent infestation. When I moved in, I had a bad rat/mouse issue… then one day this cute little stoat showed up and that was that.

do these things cause any of their own damage to homes?


Perfect kind of “pet”, making sure you don’t end up with other unwanted pets.

I love wildlife – as long as it stays outside. Micky and Minnie are cute little mice, but I never appreciate them trying to start a family in MY home (the entire family was successfully evicted and point of entry sealed)

He looks very astoat

That’s a beautiful creature. I guess as long as it doesn’t pose any danger to the residents of your cabin and there’s no law against letting it stay, let it stay.

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I spotted one while on a hike once. Ignore my eyes. I was very excited.

How beautiful is your silent pet

Almost looks fake it’s so precious

That little black tip on his tail!


Dude that little fella is adorable af

You need to post this in the Inscyption sub they will love it.

What a Stupendous Stoat

The person who dubbed them things ‘polecats’ might have had eyes.

should I re-home some stoats in the woods near my house? We have a shitload of mice that try to migrate into our house every fall (this year I racked up over 20 in our garage trap between october 15th and november 15th… the rest of the year we catch like 1 every 3 or 4 months.) If some stoats would decimate them maybe we wouldn’t get any.

Just donโ€™t play any strange card games in your cabin if the stoatโ€™s involved

So cuteโ™ฅ๏ธ


It tames the shrews, you say?

Perfect steward!

Ermine versus vermin.

I’ll do my dad’s joke…

How do you know it’s a stoat?

Its stoataly different! They’re weasally distinguishible.!

How much does he charge?

If I learned anything from the game Inscryption, the stoat is trying to resurrect Hitler with the help of Satan.

Related, this is why I let spiders chill in my apartment. I mean, I move them somewhere they’re not in the way if I need to, but I live in a swamp, and there are a ton of bugs, so having some eight-legged friends in the corner keeping the bug population in check is lovely.

That’s what it wants you to think. Careful, it might still try to und ermine you

Beautiful and helpful!

I am thoroughly jealous

Wonder if there is a way to attract useful wild creatures, to keep pests down?

Also wonder if a stoat can be a pest on itโ€™s own?

We had one just like him break into our house to get at the dog food. We named him Lewis and had to relocate him back outside which was a whole ordeal

Good lookin stoat.

This stoat totes ma’ goats

โ€œThereโ€™s a way out for both of us. Itโ€™s somewhere in this foul cabin!โ€

Friend shaped and a roommate that actually does chores!!! Stoat for the win!!!!

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