This TV placement

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The rare /r/TVTooLow post

When you’re forced to make a decision between a bad choice and a worse choice

How’s that episode of King of Queens going? I’ve seen this one and it’s solid.

Imagine accidentally spilling your drink on your kitchen counter and short circuiting your TV.

Yeah, that’s going to get hit eventually. See the basket of stuffed animals? Dog or cat, it’s going to knock that right off.

Mfs always tryna be cute lol


for when you wanna show off your double chin

Why would you insist on the couch facing the kitchen anyway? Did anyone spend more than 3 seconds on this layout?

I’m less angry about this lower placement than the high above mantle of fireplace tv placement. Just my opinion.

If anyone had a console TV growing up, This is basically the same thing.

What is this a living room for ants?!


It’s wild how many people have no clue in regards to putting TVs. I’ve seen them too low and too high. It’s nuts to me

One of those brackets that come out and up would work wonders here

I remember those floor console TV’s from the 70s/80s.
Those things were built to last though.

“I don’t like where the previous owners had the TV and I want to be different than them”

I have a relative that bought a place and made it their mission to be different than the previous owners to “make it their own”. They did something similar to this, even paid to have cable, electrical, and surround sound hook ups moved to the new location. Now the 65″+ TV is on a 3ft pillar between 2 windows and overhands by over a foot on each side.

I mean in fairness TVs used to be big ass consoles you left on the floor

So maybe that’s the vibe they’re going for?

I guess people aren’t old enough to remember how people used to watch CRT TVs here.

Still better than above a fireplace

I hate this.

This will blow your minds, but back in the 80s and several decades before, TVs sat on the ground and were the size of a small dresser…

I think it may still be better than the ones hanging high over the chimney, where you have to crane your neck. Only good thing about those is that toddlers can’t reach it.

A TV does not need to be the focal point of the room. This one is more tucked out of the way.

Good lord

I think it’s way better than those people who hang their tv near their ceiling…
This? No different than the first 40 years of my life when TVs were on the ground or 2 feet up on a stand.

Reminds me of the old days, when the TV was in a giant cabinet that sat on the floor.

Not horrible; I like it. Dude probably has no choice w/ the layout and are we all forgetting tv’s used to sit on the floor?

The TV is fine… it’s the coffee table that is in the way🤨.

I don’t hate it. I grew up in the 80s and back then virtually all tube TVs sat on the floor about this same height

I mean have you ever tried it?

What rTVtooHigh wants.

These are often placed way too high on a wall. This is the first time I’ve seen one posted way too *low!*

The guy who put this up is really into POV porn.

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