This was absolutely genius.

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I can hear this image.ย 

“as a child.” HA! Still the same at 31

I can hear this picture

I was 5 when the show debuted. My mom recorded a bunch of episodes on a couple VHS tapes. If she needed some time to cook dinner or make a phone call she would just put on the VHS. The second that WB logo transform into the police blimp I was locked in. It was her absolute ace in the hole to get me out of her hair.

Truth!! As the blimp emerged the rest of the world got shut out!!

Homework stopped from that point on lol

Jesus, even now I can feel the tension and hear the opening track the second I lay eyes on this image.

Still get goosebumps from that intro

Da da la duuuun dun dun

Started rewatching this recently ๐Ÿ™‚

Out of all the 80s and 90s cartoons I watched after school, BTAS was the only one my grandmother genuinely liked. We used to look forward to watching it together, and to this day, the Mr. Freeze episode is my favorite because she thought it was one of the best episodes of any show she’d seen.

It really did set the tone and bring you into the universe

I JUST finished my rewatch last year

Buuuut I might be inclined to start it again at the beginning of the new year

Best Batman and I’ll die on this hill.

Or as an adult.

I quit karate when I ranked up so I could keep watching this as a child. I regret nothing.

Best Western animated action show of all time

Those lights as lit as the rest of the show!

Why can I hear this image

Ok I will go rewatch the series again

Best Batman Ever

Gotta be a contender for the best action/adventure (as opposed to comedy/sitcom) animated TV show ever.

What is this from

I was locked in. So glad I got to experience that era of Batman

Itโ€™s amazing how well this show has held up. Re-watched it as an adult and was blown away.

Iron Giant?


I’ve been showing this series too my three year old. He’s pumped. Has already asked me where we can buy smoke bombs.

as a kid i always loved when the company logos changed for a movie

BTAS is the GOAT for a reason ๐Ÿ”ฅ

This show was so dark. Remember the woman robot episode, that was so fucked. I was a child.

The Best! All my peeps from this generation of cartoons. There was never any better before this Batman series…or since.

What is this from?

God. Back when cartoons had the full freaking WB orchestra to throw around.

Fantastic art deco Gotham

Lol, I stole a man’s girl watching this show with her at a place I worked.

Man I loved that show.

My favourite Batman

#[Bring in the horn section!](

It was like Indiana jones did with the logo too

Greatest show of all time


This show introduced me to art deco

I remember the very first day TAS aired because that slot was Batman ’66 for years. I was so upset.

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