The thing about even mostly well-informed car history YouTube is that they will gladly cite apocryphal stuff that has never been confirmed. I can personally confirm the Ford Probe was never going to be badged as a Mustang, at least from the memory of someone that was working at Ford at the time, but that doesn’t stop people from conflating that with it the Probe replacing the Mustang and saying it without looking into it at all.
1 month ago
Every gamer watching Elon Musk play PoE 2
1 month ago
first half of the post is literally Illuminaughtii
1 month ago
It’s even more fun when you know about global warming and seeing misunderstandings every time someone talks about it!
1 month ago
Often times it’s not even a separate video. They express an opinion within a video that’s so stupid and wrong that it makes me question everything they said up until that point.
There are many examples of this, but the one that will always stick out to me is the guy who tried to criticize the Fallout TV show without having played any of the Fallout games (which was only a problem because many of his complaints were about the tone and world building) and also he *hadn’t finished the TV show* before making the video. So many of his criticisms were of things that the show actively addressed later in its run.Â
1 month ago
>Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
>In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.
>That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I’d point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn’t. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia.
— Michael Crichton, “Why Speculate?” (2002)
1 month ago
Elon Musk is what happens when a Reddit comment section gains sentience and buys Twitter.
1 month ago
The unfun but important thing to keep in mind is that EVERY video essayist is susceptible to this. Yes, even the one you’re thinking of right now as you read this who is your favorite guy and the only exception.
But that’s not like a moral judgement, that’s normal. No one can be an expert on everything even if they put in research, especially on some fields/topics that get really complex and really dense.
1 month ago
I watch a ton of engineering and crafting videos and they are often wrong, but then they just make another video titled “I was wrong, watch me research this specific thing a little more” and all is well again
1 month ago
And this is why I just stick with funny content, cause if they say they’re funny, they gotta show proof.
1 month ago
Honestly people should think of youtube/podcasts as entertainment which may be tangentially related to facts they discuss
1 month ago
Obligatory Shadiversity. I didn’t realize how little he knew until he wrote a book. Then the illusion shattered.
1 month ago
Good thing my current video essay fixation is about Thomas the Tank Engine. If my knowledge about steam engines is incorrect, there’s little chance it’ll matter
1 month ago
There was a famous crank 20th-century crank named Immanual Velikovsky who invented a wild cosmology loosely based on ancient stories, e.g. suggesting the manna in the Book of Exodus was actually organic material raining down from the planet Venus, which had been ejected from Jupiter (he considered the Great Red Spot a scar from this event) and was passing by Earth before settling into orbit around the sun. Carl Sagan wrote the following:
>Velikovsky has called attention to a wide range of stories and legends, held by diverse peoples, separated by great distances, which stories show remarkable similarities and concordances. I am not expert in the cultures or languages of any of these peoples, but I find the concatenation of legends Velikovsky has accumulated stunning. It is true that some experts in these cultures are less impressed. I can remember vividly discussing *Worlds in Collision* with a distinguished professor of Semitics at a leading university. He said something like “The Assyriology, Egyptology, Biblical scholarship and all of that Talmudic and Midrashic pilpul is, of course, nonsense; but I was impressed by the astronomy.” I had rather the opposite view.
1 month ago
Me watching Game Theory’s Hollow Knight theory in 2019
(He calls the player character The Hollow Knight, this is blatantly not true and very easy to access information confirms you are not the Hollow Knight, because the Hollow Knight itself is the final boss [Ignoring the *true* final boss], the player character is ‘The Knight’, not the Hollow Knight)
1 month ago
The most lighthearted and least concerning version of this is watching a Let’s Play YouTuber play a game that you don’t know vs. a game that you do.
I love the Game Grumps but I *cannot* watch them do a series on a game I know very well.
1 month ago
Also let’s notice the “his cars” and “his rockets”. They’re not his, the only one he really had such a say in was the truck, and you can FEEL that.
The other results are much more the work of the people in the company and are his only by theft of contribution.
( i hate great man culture & celebrity culture that makes us phrase and act this way)
1 month ago
James Somerton: half of the stuff in his videos was plagiarized, and the other half was just made the fuck up!
(Seriously, the hbomberguy + Todd in the Shadows double whammy was astounding).
1 month ago
half as interesting making a video about toki pona
1 month ago
“Somewhere in an attic, there’s a painting of Elon Musk getting smarter every day”
1 month ago
I only found out he existed from the plagiarism video hbomberguy made and still couldn’t believe it.
1 month ago
Me when Linus tech tips post a vudeo about controllers, like im not as in depth as the other guys and the best controller I had is a $60 chinese pc controller but like the way they present them is wrong without even giving proper context on why they behave that way
Also when youtubers try out motion aiming then scoffs at it and claim sticks is better while their showcase is them not using it properly, or a game with poorly implemented one, sometimes both
1 month ago
It’s also strange when they’re right about most things, and then make a single god-awful opinion piece that makes you question their critical thinking skills.
1 month ago
This is also what Game Theory is like. Though that channel was almost always more focused on being educational rather than informed on a wide variety of games, so y’know, I don’t hold it with nearly as much contempt.
1 month ago
Can confirm, listening to him speak on rockets is painful. My family never understood why I wasn’t excited to ever hear him talk about the Merlin or Raptor rocket launches.
1 month ago
>purchase complex videogame
look up youtube guides for complex game
“woah, these people are really smart, I should copy what they do and follow their guides”
pour far too many hours into complex videogame
understand videogame mechanics
rewatch youtube guide for nostalgia
notice horrific mistake 30 seconds into the video, half of everything they say is just straight up wrong
This has happened to me three (3) times.
1 month ago
there is perhaps one good, if extremely ironic, aspect to the general fuckery of capitalism:
as the owner of spacex and tesla, elon musk has done almost ZERO tangible work in the projects of either company that ever actually got anywhere.
The ONE project at Tesla that he actually had a major hand in – the Cybertruck – is a notoriously incompetent wretched laughing stock caricature of an alleged vehicle.
Spacex, meanwhile has had an entire TEAM of people dedicated to protecting the company’s actual work from his meddlesome bullshit
1 month ago
Human Monsters
Not that I was a huge fan or anything, but all credibility went out the window when they ran a serial killer true crime story that was an April Fools joke on another podcast. We’re talking grabbed the script (which is posted with each episode) and read it 90+% word for word with almost no editing. Bonus points for doubling and tripling down when called out by trying to attack the original podcast and calling the fans trolls.
1 month ago
Adamsomethings Warhammer 40K video was so bad and so spiteful it literally made me question how he even researches for videos
1 month ago
Me with Style Theory when they started talking about curly hair. Like I already knew their stuff was shoddy, but now I can’t even watch for entertainment.
1 month ago
Roughly 80% of all content creators who talk about the funeral industry are embellishing, exaggerating, or straight up lying.
1 month ago
Who was that one ostensibly leftist dude who tried to do a video defending fucking Christopher Columbus of all people and it was so bafflingly bad that it made it clear he had no idea how to do research
1 month ago
Elon Musk is a masterful liar. I can listen to him talk for three hours and think, ‘Wow, this guy is incredibly honest and brilliant.’ But then he starts discussing something I actually understand, like video games, and suddenly it clicks: he’s just really good at making things up.
1 month ago
In a similar way I had no opinion and didn’t care about the guy before I heard about a presentation about a battery with 5x the capacity of the previous one.
The only problem is, the slide included an engineering code that indicated the size of the batteries. The new one was 5x the size.
If he did not intend to mislead media into thinking he made more capacity dense batteries, then the slides would have been completely useless. And then I looked at other of his work and I realized the guy is incredibly dumb, he just have money.
1 month ago
Also, none of these “educational” channels ever cite their sources. I saw a channel talking about a guy getting stuck in a swing set and not a single article about the incident could be found. How do we these mfs aren’t just lying all the goddamn time? Even the “good” channels do this. It’s unbelievable just how normalized intellectual laziness is on youtube.
1 month ago
The tweet is good, but I really am astonished by the amount of time it took for people to realise it was all a lie. Any Billionaire trying to come off like a real life Iron Man is full of shit, folks. Do not trust or love any billionaire.
1 month ago
Me watching Linus Tech Tips talk about home lighting control.Â
1 month ago
I was a Veritasium fan for awhile until he tried to create the “rods from god” weapon (rods dropped from orbit to destroy cities.) His entire methodology was so stupid and ridiculously unsafe that I lost respect for him. It was so badly planned that it made me question his entire process and I can’t shake the image of him as a wannabe mythbuster.
Even more hilariously, he invited Adam Savage to see his test and it took Adam seconds to point out how badly planned it was.
1 month ago
I don’t trust that man
His Twitter is fucking batshit
1 month ago
I saw this post on Reddit that was basically a bunch of screenshots of Ares discourse coming from people acting like experts and I’ve never wanted to erase anything from my mind more. I feel like I’ve become numb to this kinda misinformation after being on Tumblr for years
1 month ago
Well, no, James Someeton was just stealing from people who actually knew what they were talking about.
1 month ago
Funny about how innocuous it is. It turns out some people just lift all their content from someone who does know what they’re talking about and make sure to never be in a situation to have to argue about it. That way they look like they’re pretentious instead of clueless.
1 month ago
Also keep this in mind anytime you see someone confident about a topic on reddit. I’ve been keeping a list of Materials Science Lies that redditors have confidently shared. A number of them are diametrically opposed to fundamental aspects of materials science such as saying that atoms in metals are randomly arranged. The orderly crystal structure of metals is as fundamental as “water flows downhill” or “asbestos is bad for your lungs”.
1 month ago
Bellular reports on the video game industry in such an overconfident manner that I can’t help but scrutinize the contents of his reports.
1 month ago
pirate software.
1 month ago
This needs to be pasted to every cybertruck. Until people realise they are just driving an overpriced overhyped pile of junk.
The thing about even mostly well-informed car history YouTube is that they will gladly cite apocryphal stuff that has never been confirmed. I can personally confirm the Ford Probe was never going to be badged as a Mustang, at least from the memory of someone that was working at Ford at the time, but that doesn’t stop people from conflating that with it the Probe replacing the Mustang and saying it without looking into it at all.
Every gamer watching Elon Musk play PoE 2
first half of the post is literally Illuminaughtii
It’s even more fun when you know about global warming and seeing misunderstandings every time someone talks about it!
Often times it’s not even a separate video. They express an opinion within a video that’s so stupid and wrong that it makes me question everything they said up until that point.
There are many examples of this, but the one that will always stick out to me is the guy who tried to criticize the Fallout TV show without having played any of the Fallout games (which was only a problem because many of his complaints were about the tone and world building) and also he *hadn’t finished the TV show* before making the video. So many of his criticisms were of things that the show actively addressed later in its run.Â
>Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
>In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.
>That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I’d point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn’t. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia.
— Michael Crichton, “Why Speculate?” (2002)
Elon Musk is what happens when a Reddit comment section gains sentience and buys Twitter.
The unfun but important thing to keep in mind is that EVERY video essayist is susceptible to this. Yes, even the one you’re thinking of right now as you read this who is your favorite guy and the only exception.
But that’s not like a moral judgement, that’s normal. No one can be an expert on everything even if they put in research, especially on some fields/topics that get really complex and really dense.
I watch a ton of engineering and crafting videos and they are often wrong, but then they just make another video titled “I was wrong, watch me research this specific thing a little more” and all is well again
And this is why I just stick with funny content, cause if they say they’re funny, they gotta show proof.
Honestly people should think of youtube/podcasts as entertainment which may be tangentially related to facts they discuss
Obligatory Shadiversity. I didn’t realize how little he knew until he wrote a book. Then the illusion shattered.
Good thing my current video essay fixation is about Thomas the Tank Engine. If my knowledge about steam engines is incorrect, there’s little chance it’ll matter
There was a famous crank 20th-century crank named Immanual Velikovsky who invented a wild cosmology loosely based on ancient stories, e.g. suggesting the manna in the Book of Exodus was actually organic material raining down from the planet Venus, which had been ejected from Jupiter (he considered the Great Red Spot a scar from this event) and was passing by Earth before settling into orbit around the sun. Carl Sagan wrote the following:
>Velikovsky has called attention to a wide range of stories and legends, held by diverse peoples, separated by great distances, which stories show remarkable similarities and concordances. I am not expert in the cultures or languages of any of these peoples, but I find the concatenation of legends Velikovsky has accumulated stunning. It is true that some experts in these cultures are less impressed. I can remember vividly discussing *Worlds in Collision* with a distinguished professor of Semitics at a leading university. He said something like “The Assyriology, Egyptology, Biblical scholarship and all of that Talmudic and Midrashic pilpul is, of course, nonsense; but I was impressed by the astronomy.” I had rather the opposite view.
Me watching Game Theory’s Hollow Knight theory in 2019
(He calls the player character The Hollow Knight, this is blatantly not true and very easy to access information confirms you are not the Hollow Knight, because the Hollow Knight itself is the final boss [Ignoring the *true* final boss], the player character is ‘The Knight’, not the Hollow Knight)
The most lighthearted and least concerning version of this is watching a Let’s Play YouTuber play a game that you don’t know vs. a game that you do.
I love the Game Grumps but I *cannot* watch them do a series on a game I know very well.
Also let’s notice the “his cars” and “his rockets”. They’re not his, the only one he really had such a say in was the truck, and you can FEEL that.
The other results are much more the work of the people in the company and are his only by theft of contribution.
( i hate great man culture & celebrity culture that makes us phrase and act this way)
James Somerton: half of the stuff in his videos was plagiarized, and the other half was just made the fuck up!
(Seriously, the hbomberguy + Todd in the Shadows double whammy was astounding).
half as interesting making a video about toki pona
“Somewhere in an attic, there’s a painting of Elon Musk getting smarter every day”
I only found out he existed from the plagiarism video hbomberguy made and still couldn’t believe it.
Me when Linus tech tips post a vudeo about controllers, like im not as in depth as the other guys and the best controller I had is a $60 chinese pc controller but like the way they present them is wrong without even giving proper context on why they behave that way
Also when youtubers try out motion aiming then scoffs at it and claim sticks is better while their showcase is them not using it properly, or a game with poorly implemented one, sometimes both
It’s also strange when they’re right about most things, and then make a single god-awful opinion piece that makes you question their critical thinking skills.
This is also what Game Theory is like. Though that channel was almost always more focused on being educational rather than informed on a wide variety of games, so y’know, I don’t hold it with nearly as much contempt.
Can confirm, listening to him speak on rockets is painful. My family never understood why I wasn’t excited to ever hear him talk about the Merlin or Raptor rocket launches.
>purchase complex videogame
look up youtube guides for complex game
“woah, these people are really smart, I should copy what they do and follow their guides”
pour far too many hours into complex videogame
understand videogame mechanics
rewatch youtube guide for nostalgia
notice horrific mistake 30 seconds into the video, half of everything they say is just straight up wrong
This has happened to me three (3) times.
there is perhaps one good, if extremely ironic, aspect to the general fuckery of capitalism:
as the owner of spacex and tesla, elon musk has done almost ZERO tangible work in the projects of either company that ever actually got anywhere.
The ONE project at Tesla that he actually had a major hand in – the Cybertruck – is a notoriously incompetent wretched laughing stock caricature of an alleged vehicle.
Spacex, meanwhile has had an entire TEAM of people dedicated to protecting the company’s actual work from his meddlesome bullshit
Human Monsters
Not that I was a huge fan or anything, but all credibility went out the window when they ran a serial killer true crime story that was an April Fools joke on another podcast. We’re talking grabbed the script (which is posted with each episode) and read it 90+% word for word with almost no editing. Bonus points for doubling and tripling down when called out by trying to attack the original podcast and calling the fans trolls.
Adamsomethings Warhammer 40K video was so bad and so spiteful it literally made me question how he even researches for videos
Me with Style Theory when they started talking about curly hair. Like I already knew their stuff was shoddy, but now I can’t even watch for entertainment.
Roughly 80% of all content creators who talk about the funeral industry are embellishing, exaggerating, or straight up lying.
Who was that one ostensibly leftist dude who tried to do a video defending fucking Christopher Columbus of all people and it was so bafflingly bad that it made it clear he had no idea how to do research
Elon Musk is a masterful liar. I can listen to him talk for three hours and think, ‘Wow, this guy is incredibly honest and brilliant.’ But then he starts discussing something I actually understand, like video games, and suddenly it clicks: he’s just really good at making things up.
In a similar way I had no opinion and didn’t care about the guy before I heard about a presentation about a battery with 5x the capacity of the previous one.
The only problem is, the slide included an engineering code that indicated the size of the batteries. The new one was 5x the size.
If he did not intend to mislead media into thinking he made more capacity dense batteries, then the slides would have been completely useless. And then I looked at other of his work and I realized the guy is incredibly dumb, he just have money.
Also, none of these “educational” channels ever cite their sources. I saw a channel talking about a guy getting stuck in a swing set and not a single article about the incident could be found. How do we these mfs aren’t just lying all the goddamn time? Even the “good” channels do this. It’s unbelievable just how normalized intellectual laziness is on youtube.
The tweet is good, but I really am astonished by the amount of time it took for people to realise it was all a lie. Any Billionaire trying to come off like a real life Iron Man is full of shit, folks. Do not trust or love any billionaire.
Me watching Linus Tech Tips talk about home lighting control.Â
I was a Veritasium fan for awhile until he tried to create the “rods from god” weapon (rods dropped from orbit to destroy cities.) His entire methodology was so stupid and ridiculously unsafe that I lost respect for him. It was so badly planned that it made me question his entire process and I can’t shake the image of him as a wannabe mythbuster.
Even more hilariously, he invited Adam Savage to see his test and it took Adam seconds to point out how badly planned it was.
I don’t trust that man
His Twitter is fucking batshit
I saw this post on Reddit that was basically a bunch of screenshots of Ares discourse coming from people acting like experts and I’ve never wanted to erase anything from my mind more. I feel like I’ve become numb to this kinda misinformation after being on Tumblr for years
Well, no, James Someeton was just stealing from people who actually knew what they were talking about.
Funny about how innocuous it is. It turns out some people just lift all their content from someone who does know what they’re talking about and make sure to never be in a situation to have to argue about it. That way they look like they’re pretentious instead of clueless.
Also keep this in mind anytime you see someone confident about a topic on reddit. I’ve been keeping a list of Materials Science Lies that redditors have confidently shared. A number of them are diametrically opposed to fundamental aspects of materials science such as saying that atoms in metals are randomly arranged. The orderly crystal structure of metals is as fundamental as “water flows downhill” or “asbestos is bad for your lungs”.
Bellular reports on the video game industry in such an overconfident manner that I can’t help but scrutinize the contents of his reports.
pirate software.
This needs to be pasted to every cybertruck. Until people realise they are just driving an overpriced overhyped pile of junk.