This was supposed to happen

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Imagine trusting a random influencer with your money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I also predicted it but yeah ๐Ÿ™

Wellโ€ฆ Iโ€™m sure someone made jokes about it going down anyway

Hawk Tuah coins have no tangible value. You donโ€™t buy them because you think you can eat them, live inside them, drive your kids to school in them, etc. and then find out theyโ€™re fake.

You buy them because you want to exploit someone else by selling them for more than theyโ€™re worth, even though you know they were never worth anything.

So if you thought you were gonna con someone out of a buck and failed, thatโ€™s on you. Not a matter of public concern.

I’m unclear exactly what kind of investment strategy people who buy memecoins are operating on other than “It’s funny “

Isn’t she quasi-famous for bragging about giving people a good time for twenty minutes or so?

What did these people expect?

Haliey Welch didn’t just decide to start a crypto scam. Someone approached her, knowing they could cash in on her minimal internet fame. Let’s make sure we’re mad at all of the right people, not just one of them.

Cus the people behind the scam will try again.

Crypto scammers: “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?”

But, but she seemed soโ€ฆโ€ฆyea, no forget it. I got nothing.

I bet a lot of the ones that fell for this thought they would just cash out before it crashed… Because no one else would ever think of that brilliant and unique idea, they are so smart

โ€œA fool and his money are soon parted.โ€

Why do people still keep buying celebrity coins? There must be a better way to support your fave content creator that won’t involve gambling your savings away…

Crypo is exactly like everybody throwing money in a bucket and promising not to take any and then at some point the people that created the game and were always planning to take all of it then do so.

If you bought this crypto currency please also stop watering your plants with gatorade

Itโ€™s funny that the girl famous for spitting on it first just ass fโ€ฆ folks without any lube.

How is this her fault? She was just the name. I’m going to go out on a limb that she has absolutely no idea how decentralized blockchain cryptocurrency works. Some finance guy was like “hey, this will make you money,” and she said “cool, i’ve got 2 minutes of fame left,” Slapped her name on the crypto currency and away it went.

A fool and his money … hawk tuah

That’s just natural selection at this point.

I’m trying to stay out of this, but as I understand, the girl went viral for pretending to spit on someone’s penis.

Why does that make her a smart choice for financial management?

Iโ€™m sure buyers were given disclaimers up the yang beforehand. Now ask me if it was a good idea to sponsor a crypto coinโ€ฆno, damage to her brand was inevitable

Who da thunk hawk tuah could pump and dump. Glad she monetized

โ€œBut she insinuated that she would spit on my dick!!โ€ – A Young Grindset-Minded Conservative, probably

Can’t pump and dump without the dump.

This is what deregulation looks like, any cunt can sell any old shitย 

This isnโ€™t on her, because why would you EVER just blindly get into a brand new memecoin with literally no history and expect nothing but good things to happen??

Can someone explain to me why anyone would buy a memecoin or any new crypto coin in general?

I mean, do you think the 97000th new coin is going to take off and finally be the one that becomes a real currency?

Or do you think you’re going to win the game of musical chairs and you’re going to get in and exit at the right time and leave some other idiot as the one who got ripped off?

She lost your money?

No sir, you lost your money. Take accountability for your own actions.

Fucking truth bomb

It was inevitable

I am genuinely surprised bitcoin has survived as long as it has. I guess being the currency of choice for hackers, scammers, and criminals will do that.

Suckers gonna suck

Yeah peak Hawk Tuah was achieved a month or two ago. It seems peak stupidity hasn’t been reached yet.

Is no one impressed that this coin is worth 60 Million? How is this worth that much, do people think these are blow job tokens?

Isn’t this the same thing that happened to Trumps’ truth social when it went public?

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