Those charges are NOT anonymous, dipshit

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It doesn’t matter. maga will approve any scumbag their leader wants. They are scared of him and want to keep their seat in Congress. This is Hitler 2.0

Imagine calling it ‘anonymous’ just to have your mom pull out the receipts

In this environment of the new felonious administration about to take power, and the dipshits like MTG and Boebert, and others in the GOP, Hegs could be a known and convicted serial killer doing coke on the table while diddling an underage kid at the hearing and they would still vote to confirm him.

The look on both of their faces is classic meme material.

This whole thing was an act for sound bites to be used on fox and newsmax. They’re showing clips of him “shutting down dems” non stop by clipping out the response from the panels calling him out.

What a scumbag

A Christian nationalist Fox News reporter who served at Guantanamo Bay up for Secretary of Defense. South Park during the Bush years wouldn’t have even made a parody so obvious.

I’ve feel sorry for Cary elwes to look like this dope

“I like beer”

Our government is a sham and it is broken

MAGA overreach will spell Trump and the GOP’s doom. I know several veterans that are disgusted by him and are leaving MAGA if Hegseth gets confirmed. Why thats the final straw for them I can guess but do not know.

but it *sounds* less believable if you call then “anonymous”. lol

Plot twist: the receipts are in, and Mom’s leading the charge

America is so unserious

This is what happens when you hire from a circus…

Sadly, this completely unqualified Christian Nationalist scumbag will get confirmed. The fact that he met at length with Republican Senators beforehand and not Democratic Senators tells you all you need to know. The fraternity brother style questioning from MAGA Senators spoke volumes. Hegseth will serve as a rubber stamp for whatever fascist initiatives Trump and Stephen Miller have in mind. We’re about ready to have a weekend Fox News host as the head of the Department of Defense.

This guys interview would’ve sounded bad if he was a high schooler applying to McDonalds.

I feel like if you’re getting worked that hard by someone who smiles like that, you should just withdraw your nomination.

This just went from zero to Thanksgiving family drama real quick

Dems should take elections as seriously as they do confirmation hearings. Hegseth is a total jackass, but their election strategy (or lack of it) put him in that seat.

They can one up him all they want in the hearings and it’s fun but he’ll be rubber stamped in and this will be old news and forgotten in short order, just like every other Senate confirmation.

didnt he say that he would stop drinking if he got the job? thats only something someone with a problem would say

He wouldn’t answer a simple question. Would you enforce an unconstintutional order from Trump. That alone should tell you he is completely unqualified and dangerous.

Literally meaningless. Chuds would happily see Jack the Ripper appointed as the head of HHS if a brazenly corrupt, incompetent MAGA demagogue told them it’s what they want. There’s nothing these easily manipulated, fear-driven suckers won’t fall for.

They’re the most worthless dregs of American society and there is no bottom for them.

Before Adolf Trump came along, lying to congress was illegal

Honestly these inquiries don’t even matter. It will be like last time we let a rapist frat boy be in the Supreme Court. He’ll get in no issues at all

I wasn’t sure that they could find a more Trumpian Cabinet candidate after Gaetz had to bail once Congress stopped covering up his sex crimes, but we may have a contender here.

Kaine did an outstanding job. Hegseth is a morals and ethics free liar and predator

That’s my Senator!

Am I the only one who can see another country blackmailing this sorry excuse for a grown man like it’s nothing?
Good lord man, at least try not to get caught.

Who even is this guy and why is he so stupid?

Yo momma…is so concerned about your treatment of women, she’ll call you an “abuser of women” in an non‐anonymous email.

Anything bad said of a Republican is an unwarranted smear job. Anything bad said of a Democrat is the unquestioned gospel truth. T’was ever thus.

Slimy stupid shit

Release the files. Release the Epstein and Diddy files.

At Trump’s hearing on his felony conviction he fell back on the fact that he was elected.

OK, if the court of public opinion rules. then we need full transparency.

Let the court of public opinion rule, stop hiding behind the legal system.

Love the show of it, I bet he still gets confirmed. This country is a joke.

His face is the definition of smarmy

Cue Susan Collin’s being very concerned in 3,2,1….

He is a perfect example of why Trump is so terrible for this country. This man is actively following in Trump’s shoes, sexual assault, entitlement, ignorance, refusing to answer questions, smug, pure disgusting just like Trump.

Kaine pretty much eviscerated him but it won’t matter, unfortunately.

No yes men for Trump are qualified for any of these positions . Hegseth belongs in AA and also jail for rape

Good old Pete “I don’t have a drinking problem and also I promise I’ll quit drinking if you give me the job” Hegseth

Because this is definitely a thing a person without a drinking problem would say.

I hate that smug cunt. Has no shame.

Hesgeth thinks best way to practice for war crimes is to do regular crimes first

Government appointments should only be elected officials not any random cunt waffle that tickles Mr Trumps ring piece

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