Thought this deserved some attention

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we left normal and sane far behind and long ago

Youโ€™ll never convince me that heโ€™s not a predator. Everyone around him gets disbarred or goes to prison. Heโ€™s somehow the only one who doesnโ€™t know yet itโ€™s always to his benefit. Our elections are totally rigged but ONLY when heโ€™s losing. Heโ€™s most certainly a predator. MAGA is the most vile disgusting bunch of people Iโ€™ve ever seen.

Normal people don’t vote for felons.
Normal people don’t vote for felons.

How many bitch ass rape apologists are gonna be in here “akshually he’s not a rapist….”

Lol triggered so many angry little trumpkins.

Unfortunately, more people voted for the rapist.

you can replace the rapist with a lot of other terms and the statement still rings true…racist/sexist felon/ pedophile /traitor/ con artist/ fascist

People are going to cheer in the streets when he does not make it through this term…

Hereโ€™s a video of Trump being asked what he has in common with his daughter, and [his answer is โ€œsexโ€](

Hereโ€™s a video of Trump saying that [he grabs women by the pussy, and when youโ€™re famous they let you do it.](

Hereโ€™s a video of him [*doubling down on that remark*]( earlier this year.

Hereโ€™s testimony from teenage girls saying that Donald Trump [regularly walked into their dressing rooms while they were changing.](

Hereโ€™s a quote of him [*straight-up admitting*]( to doing just that.

Add in the abundant photos and documentary evidence of his [*unusually close* relationship with Jeffrey Epstein,]( and it doesnโ€™t take a jury to form a conclusion about his proclivities.

> โ€œIโ€™ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. Heโ€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, **and many of them are on the younger side**.โ€

#And this guy is about to be sworn in as President of the United States.

Weโ€™re fucked, yโ€™all.

Anyone needing this explained is probably already long lost.

So many possibilities.

Smart people donโ€™t vote for rapists

Good people donโ€™t vote for rapists

Real Christians donโ€™t vote for rapists

Logical people donโ€™t vote for rapists

Learned people donโ€™t vote for rapists

Sending this to my family as soon as they start giving me shit for blocking my brothers

Trump voters are proud to be called domestic terrorists.

Yea his base truly doesn’t believe he is a rapist. Forget the juries of 12 that trumps lawyers chose half of. Forget Trump admitting to walking into teenage girls dressing rooms. Forget Trump bragging about sexual assault on tape. There is nothing Trump could do that they won’t defend. They got soooo upset about Hilary and her emails. Trump steals documents hides them refuses to return them and they excuse that. Hilary of course should have been locked up that’s not going after a political opponent. Going after and investigating Biden and his son isn’t going after a political opponen thats just justice. But not when it comes to trump. They are all upset about the hunter pardon….meanwhile Trump pardoned his father in law and will pardon himself. They are hypocrites and there is literally nothing Trump could do to change their views of him. Absolutely nothing. Yet we are the ones in the cult in their eyes. If a jury of 12 finds Biden sexually assaulted someone then I’m not going to defend him and certainly wouldn’t vote for him. Jfc they can’t see reality anymore. It’s sad


If you listened to MAGA rhetoric, it sounds like the ramblings of a meth-addled junkie.

All the people willingly defending the pedophile in chief, and all the rapist that surround him. But sureโ€ฆ

Democracy is stupid when the voters are stupid

Cue the “but he technically wasn’t convicted of rape” posts. He did what he did. To multiple victims including a 13 year old.

No but you see, forceful penetration with oneโ€™s fingers isnโ€™t rape according the legal definition! This is defamation! /s

We be in 2025 acting like people are normal…lol…good one.

If your identity is political for either side youโ€™re a loser. Go do something fun the aliens are coming.

Im proud to say ive never defended a rapist or predator. Half these comments cant even say that.

Wouldn’t say abnormal.

I might say gullible, denying and duped. Also ignorant and unintelligent.

‘Normal people don’t…’ makes a point but unfortunately my list defines a lot of normal people. My head shakes.

I need this asap rocky

Do to them as Trump has done to others.

Treat his supporters the way Donald Trump has treated people.

Talk down to them, use them… do all the vile and evil things to them that Donald Trump has done.

Make their children pay for the sins of the parents – only then will they see the evil they have created.

Become evil, you could become President of The United States of America.

I absolutely wouldn’t put this on my car for fear of having my car vandalized

I made comment that lots voted for a legally liable for common definition rape candidate… was downvoted… fuck MAGAts

i canโ€™t wait for the people who voted for him
to be screwed over. thatโ€™s the only good thing about him winning.

Exactly right! These people are absolutely sick.

No shit

Maybe normal people do. Maybe we arenโ€™t the normal ones

OK, don’t answer my points and go off on others of your own. Like I said, you will go on believing what you want to believe. I am glad you are in the minority. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025, wish you the best.

Yeah. We know. But we have to respect each others believers huh lol yeah no

Normal people vote for the best candidate

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