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Storm on 57%… Look how the tables turned.

Stop telling people that Rocket is good, I’ve been spamming him and don’t want anyone else to take him

Where are these numbers from?

Nice to see my main off tank being in this list. Thor is op only if player knows what he is doing ,when to use f ,when to use e to recharge and slow and when to retreat , hope we get more dps off tanks like thor. and big w for netease for giving us thor mains free classic Thor skin

“See? I’m flarking helpful!”

Hell Yeah

I’m contributing

The problem is that a hero can have a high win% but have a low pick rate cos only people that know how to use them play em. Like there was no one playing storm in s0 so people that used her before the buffs are probably wining a lot more now.

Win rates across the board don’t mean much without specific rank win rates being mentioned.

Storm is OP tho

It’s also going to be funny watching them nerf Magik when she just kinda isn’t that good except against very specific team comps, and her ult is also just straight garbage that gets countered by everything.


Cap STOMPS an uncoordinated team but gets STOMPED if they have any idea how to handle him.

Can’t wait for the inevitable buffs. Literally all it takes is to reduce all his cool downs and he’s immediately better.

Oh all the voices telling me “Rocket is a dogshit healer, pick a real healer”

Aged like fine wine, still Rocket main.

Smoking on everyone who tells me rocket is ass

I love how Loki’s win rate got increased without any buff

Thor goat

Rocket is a low key beast, he has some of the best mobility, he can steadily provide heals to the entire team, even around corners, he can bring back a fallen player in a position of your choosing with all abilities off cooldown, and he can output a lot of burst damage on backline aggressors, a good Rocket is usually going to have a few kills, no deaths, and an assist point for almost every kill your team accrues. He is definitely one of the funnest strategists to play imo

So many said that Peni is bad and now we have 53% winrate.

How is rocket getting so much healing? Does a good rocket just pump the heal missiles at the team the whole time?

One tricked raccoon to Gm with a 65% win rate and still have people telling me to swap lmfaoooooooo

The stats are most likely taken from [](

The stats are obviously not completely trustworthy but it pretty good baseline to check what mostly happens. I think ban rates and pick rates are much more interesting than WR.

Hulk permabanned and Strange being perma picked. With Strange pick rate being higher than the sum of all other tanks (except Mag) in Diamond+. Like that’s insane.

Another insteresting observation is high ban rate for Hawk Guy with his tragic WR.

Single winrate values don’t really say mutch. You need them for every single rank and also I think mirrored or not mirrored is really important.

However, I think storm is op atm

I abused storm in s0 all the way to gm with ease.

Now she feels even more stupid, the LMB speed buff is ridiculous compared to her old one.

Shooting through entire teams in a choke point even tho I tickle them, I get the ultimate before any support does and instantly wipe the objective and by the time the support get their ults I’ve gotten my 2nd

cad is slept on, idk why people don’t understand how to play cloak, i main cloak and have over 60% win rate. i solo heal and carry 60k heals in ranked easy. people are playing the wrong characters.

I said it when they revealed the buffs, it was too much. I love Storm, she was bad, and I want to play her, but even the basic buffs the showed at first were more than enough. But then they revealed they literally buffed everything in her kit.

Which is just obscene.

Moon knight ult is overturned now. There is zero time to react. I’m just dead.

Thor seems a lot more popular now, which is helping Storm shine. She does nuts damage when she can line up her shots in a choke point and then use a chain lightning. I’ve had so many kills on people that I wasn’t even aiming to kill, I was just brainlessly building ulti charge.

Most supports will save their ulti to counter Storm’s ult. Kinda sucks for the Storm player, but it should mean there should be more kills from the rest of the team in between.

everyone was edged into not picking storm in s0 so shes basically a new character

Turns out buffing and helping out the team survive wins games huh? Shocker

Im pretty certain this high Storm WR comes mostly from casual matches/low ranks, she is definitely not that good in high ranked gameplay, not even close

I’m so proud of you Ororo

Rocket is easily the best and not just because he’s a raccoon.

– Can heal self

– Can heal teammates that aren’t in the line of sight

– Can revive

– Can run on walls

– Can I am Groot

– Can melt a tanks health

– Can make teammates stronger

– Can make snarky comments

There’s no one better


I’m starting to think that boosting the damage of one or two specific characters each season is silly and a bad idea.

This is just my opinion and what I’m saying is that I don’t know if I like it, personally.

Storm up top!

Storm? Not really, she’s a good DPS choice now and her team up setter is both very popular and very strong in high level play. 

Rocket? No, he’s been underrated for most of season 0. 

I am surprised by Magik, though I imagine the buffs she got at the end of s0  are helping this slightly. 

Rocket doesn’t surprise me at all. Great character.

Honestly doesn’t mean much, except Storm cause she’s dominating in higher ranks

Which is not surprising, I truly think she was already pretty good last season but her primary fire was so disappointing that people weren’t putting effort into her, as soon as I saw the changes for her I was like “oh boy, she’s gonna be very very strong…” and here we are

Now it’s sad cause of course she’s gonna get nerfed at some point and I’m afraid they gonna nerf her whole kit which was what I loved about her

Ppl sleeping on the rocket heal buff. Makes him a lot more reliable to heal even solo at times

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