Three minutes

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Within 3 minutes. 

I remember my first racial debate.

It was in the playground, on the sandbox, when I was in preschool. I did not have the slurs nor the supporting evidences for my beliefs, but I held my ground and called them the best insults I could. What a wonderful childhood I had.

People need to know the four topics you don’t talk about in polite company.


Religion, Abortion, Politics, and Economics.

Society is not ready for his enlightenment


The Guy Fawkes mask being co-opted for weird conservative shut-ins pedaling racial prejudice is the height of irony.

Way less funny when the screenshot is a minute after the post.

He should change his name to loner

Racial politics? Like the draft from chapelles show?

why so serious?

Im guessing he went in and immediately said something along the line of “slavery was wrong because it only dehumanised one race”


In 3 minutes wowwwwwwwwwwww

anyone get the feeling they never had a job or coworkers?

one does not simply believe a random twitter post.

Go big or go home.

Shit’s annoying, i hate the races, might force interracial breeding on them just so they shut the fuck up. Always trying to get me into their stupid nonsensical conversations that just end up with them being racist.

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